Mac filter – Encore electronic 802.11n User Manual
Page 41

MAC Filter
The Wireless Router could filter the outgoing packets for security or management
consideration. You can set up the filter against the MAC addresses to block specific
internal users from accessing the Internet. After marking or clearing the enable
checkbox, it takes 5 seconds for this device to refresh the page.
MAC Filter Settings
Enable this Rule Mark to enable the configuration, and clear to disable.
MAC Address
Fill in the MAC address that you are going to filter.
Filter Mode
Select the filter mode of Always or by Schedule
Date Define
Time Define
For filter mode of by Schedule, you have to define the
filter date and time.
After configure the above settings, click Add to add a
new list in the following IP Filter Rule List. The
Change button can be used to change the
* Please click on the Save Settings button or the Reset Settings button on the above table
to save/reset the configurations.
MAC Filter Rule List
Lists the MAC Filter Settings you have added before. Click on the list to change