Crivit BB-2035 User Manual

Page 6

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Inner thigh (figure E)

1. Lie on your stomach, spread one leg to the
side. You stomach is now half on the floor.
2. Angle your hips and knee at an angle of 90
3. Place the article vertically under the bent leg
on you inner thigh. The bent leg is lying
loosely on the article and your bent elbow is
below your shoulder joint.
4. Lift your upper body and move the top half
of your pelvis and your leg backwards and
5. Tense your stomach muscles.
6. Carry out the movement in a slow, controlled
manner, and then change sides.

Front of thigh (figure F)

For this exercise divide your thigh into 2-3
sections and treat the sections in turn. This means
the movement is not too large and the treatment
is more effective.
1. Lie on your stomach and support yourself on
your forearms in a forearm support position.
2. Place the article horizontally under your
3. Go up on tiptoes and tense your buttock and
stomach muscles. Ensure that the weight on
your toes is even.
4. Pull your shoulder blades in to your spine and
ensure that your elbows are under your
shoulder joints.
5. Roll slowly backwards and forwards from
your hips to your knees.

Important. During the exercise your

head is the extension of your cervical

vertebrae. Make sure you do not

overextend your head.

Back of thigh (figure G)

For this exercise divide your thigh into 2-3
sections and treat the sections in turn. This means
the movement is not too large and the treatment
is more effective.
1. Lie on your back and support yourself on your
forearms in a forearm support position.
2. Place the article horizontally under your

3. Go up on your heels and tense your buttock
and stomach muscles. Ensure that the weight
on your heels is even.
4. Pull your shoulder blades in to your spine and
ensure that your elbows are under your
shoulder joints.
5. Roll slowly backwards and forwards from
your buttock to your hollow of the knee.

Important. During the exercise your

head is the extension of your cervical

vertebrae. Make sure you do not

overextend your head.

Calf (figure H)

1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended and
place the article horizontally under your
calves. You legs are lying loosely on the
2. Support yourself on your arms.
3. Tense your arm and stomach muscles.
4. Lift your upper body, bring your sternum
forwards, and pull your shoulder blades in to
your spine.
5. Lift your buttocks and roll the article slowly
backwards and forwards over your calves.
The movement comes from your knee joint.

Important: Your upper body is lifted in

this exercise and your shoulders are
pulled back.
Version with one leg:
1. Sit on the floor as for the ‘calf’ exercise.
2. Place the article horizontally under one calf
and place the other leg next to it with the knee
bent. The extended leg is lying loosely on the
3. Tense your arm and stomach muscles.
4. Lift your upper body, bring your sternum
forwards, and pull your shoulder blades in to
your spine.
5. Lift your buttocks and roll the article slowly
backwards and forwards over your calf. The
foot of the supporting leg is in contact with the
floor at all times and the movement comes
from the knee joint.
6. Change sides.

Important: your upper body is lifted in

this exercise and your shoulders are

pulled back.