Crivit Yoga Block User Manual
Page 2

Please dispose of the product and packaging in an
environmentally friendly manner, separating different
materials for recycling as required! Dispose of this
item through an authorised disposal company or
through your local waste disposal facilities - ask your
local authority for information if further guidance is
required. Ensure that you comply with all regulations
currently in force.
IAN: 103667
Service Great Britain
Tel.: 0871 5000 720
(£ 0.10/Min.)
E-Mail: [email protected]
You can also find spare parts for your product at:, category Service - Lidl Spare Parts Service
With your purchase you have decided on a
high-quality product. Get to know the product before
you start to use it. Carefully read the following ope-
rating instructions. Use the product only as described
and only for the given areas of application.
Keep these instructions safe. When passing the
product on to a third party, always make sure that
the documentation is included.
scope of delivery
1 x Instructions for use
1 x Pilates ring
technical data
Dimensions: diameter approx. 38cm
Correct use
The product is intended for private use and is not
suitable for medical or commercial purposes.
safety instructions
• Consult your doctor before you begin training.
Please ensure that you are in a proper state of
health for this training.
• Always keep the operating instructions ready to
• If you feel discomfort, faintness, or tiredness, stop
the training session immediately and contact your
• To train safely, you need plenty of space.
Perform the exercises with enough distance from
objects and other persons so that no one can be
• Train only on a flat and non-slip surface.
• Do not use the article near stairs or steps.
• Pregnant women should perform the training only
after consulting their doctor.
Warning: risk of injury to children!
• Do not allow children to use this product unsuper-
vised. Instruct them in the correct use of the training
instrument and maintain supervision. Allow use
only when the child’s mental and physical deve-
lopment permits. This product is not intended to be
a toy.
Risk because of wear
• The article may be used only in perfect condition.
Inspect the pilates ring before each exercise to
check for damage, cracks, and signs of wear.
If the product is damaged, replace it immediately.
• Protect the product from extreme temperatures,
sun and humidity. Improper storage and use of the
article can lead to premature wear, which can
lead to injury.
training instructions
• The following exercises are just a selection.
You will find further exercises in the pertinent
specialist literature.
• Warm up properly before each training session.
• Do not train if you feel ill or unwell.
• If possible, have the exercise performed correctly
the first time by an experienced physiotherapist.
• Wear comfortable sportswear and training shoes
perform each exercise for 15-25 seconds
and repeat it 5 times, but stop if you feel
unwell or feel that you cannot perform the
exercise correctly.
exercise 1 (Fig. A)
• Stand up straight.
• Hold the ring between the palms of your hands
behind your back at the height of the torso.
• Open up your chest, pull in your stomach muscles
and squeeze the ring.
exercise 2 (Fig. B)
• Stand up straight.
• Hold the ring between your legs, above the ankles.
• Put your weight onto your left leg, lift your right leg
to the side and squeeze the ring.
• Change legs.
exercise 3 (Fig. C)
• Lie down on your back and bend your legs.
The ring is held between your knees and your arms
are at your side next to your body.
• Squeeze the ring with your knees.
• Breathe in and raise your hips, keeping the ring
firmly between your knees.
• Lower your hips again and release the pressure on
the ring.
exercise 4 (Fig. D)
• Lie on your side and hold the pilates ring between
your legs, just above the ankles.
• Support your head with your left hand and place
your right hand in front of your body.
• Now raise your legs sideways together with the
ring and squeeze the ring.
• Lower your legs again and release the pressure on
the ring.
• Change sides.
Care and storage
Always store the article in a dry, clean and tempera-
ture controlled room.
iMpORtAnt! Wash with water only, never use
aggressive cleaning agents. Then wipe dry with a
cleaning cloth.
IAN: 103667
Service Deutschland
E-Mail: [email protected]
Service Österreich
0820 201 222 (0,15 EUR/Min.)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Service Schweiz
0842 665566 (0,08 CHF/Min.,
Mobilfunk max. 0,40 CHF/Min.)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Ersatzteile zu Ihrem Produkt finden Sie auch unter:, Rubrik Service - Ersatzteilservice Lidl
Übung 2: (Abb. B)
• Stellen Sie sich aufrecht hin.
• Klemmen Sie den Ring oberhalb der Knöchel
zwischen Ihre Beine.
• Verlagern Sie Ihr Gewicht auf das linke Bein,
heben Sie das rechte seitlich an und pressen den
Ring zusammen.
• Wechseln Sie das Standbein.
Übung 3: (Abb. C)
• Legen Sie sich auf den Rücken und winkeln Sie die
Beine an. Der Ring klemmt zwischen den Knien,
die Arme liegen seitlich gestreckt neben dem
• Drücken Sie den Ring mit den Knien zusammen.
• Atmen Sie ein und heben Sie die Hüfte, der Ring
bleibt fest zwischen den Knien.
• Senken Sie die Hüfte wieder ab und verringern Sie
den Druck auf den Ring..
Übung 4: (Abb. D)
• Legen Sie sich auf die Seite und klemmen Sie den
Pilates-Ring kurz oberhalb der Knöchel zwischen
Ihre Beine.
• Stützen Sie mit Ihrer linken Hand Ihren Kopf und
platzieren Sie die rechte Hand vor Ihrem Körper.
• Heben Sie nun die Beine samt Ring seitlich an und
pressen Sie den Ring zusammen.
• Senken Sie die Beine wieder ab und verringern
Sie den Druck auf den Ring.
• Wechseln Sie die Seite.
pflege und lagerung
Den Artikel immer trocken und sauber in einem
temperierten Raum lagern.
WiCHtig! Nur mit Wasser reinigen, nie mit
scharfen Pflegemitteln. Anschließend mit einem
Reinigungstuch trocken wischen.
Hinweise zur entsorgung
Entsorgen Sie das Produkt und alle dazugehörigen
Komponenten über einen zugelassenen Entsorgungs-
betrieb oder über Ihre kommunale Entsorgungs-
einrichtung. Beachten Sie die aktuell geltenden
Vorschriften. Informieren Sie sich im Zweifelsfall bei
Ihrer Entsorgungseinrichtung über eine umweltge-
rechte Entsorgung.