Crivit Z31651 User Manual
Page 3

The packaging is made from environmentally friendly materials, which may be disposed through your
local recycling facilities.
Contact your municipality for details on how to dispose of your worn-out product.
Figure 8 resistance tube:
Triceps (see Fig. D)
Stand upright. Bend one arm behind your back, bend the other arm above your head.
Hold the handles with your hands. The wrists should be straight.
Pull the cross tube upwards with the upper hand. The lower hand should be a stabiliser.
Afterwards repeat this exercise with the other arm.
Chest (see Fig. E)
Place your feet at hip width.
Place the figure 8 resistance tube across the back, below the shoulder blades and hold the grips taut in front of the chest.
Move your arms forward using a controlled motion.
Biceps (see Fig. F)
Slight walking stance with the right foot on the grip of the figure 8 resistance band, keeping the body straight.
Hold the other grip in your right hand at hip level. Keep your elbow against the body.
Move your hand to about shoulder level. Keep the elbow against the body throughout this exercise.
Slowly return to the starting position.
Be sure to keep the back and neck straight throughout the exercise.
Switch sides after a few repetitions.
Long resistance tube:
Shoulders (see Fig. G)
Slight walking stance with the right foot on the centre of the long resistance tube, the body straight.
Hold the grips at hip level.
With the elbows bent, keeping the arms in front of the body, pull the long resistance tube straight up until the grips are at
chest level.
Slowly return to the starting position.
Back (see Fig. H)
Sit down on the floor with the legs and back straight.
Place the long resistance tube flat around both feet and tauten with both hands.
Bend the arms alongside your body. Bend the elbows approx. 90°.
Slightly pull both elbows backward keeping them close to the body until the hands are at hip level.
Legs (see Fig. I)
Lie on your back.
Raise your legs as shown in Figure I and place the long resistance tube flat around both feet.
Hold the grips in both hands, moving them down. Place them to the side of your rear.
Now straighten your legs as if attempting to lift a weight.
Do not fully straighten your legs.
Slowly return to the starting position.
Cleaning and storage
Never use abrasive or caustic cleaning agents. The product will otherwise be damaged.
Only clean the product with lukewarm water and dry well with a cloth.
Always store the product dry and clean, in a temperate room.
CAUTION! RISK OF PROPERTY DAMAGE! Only use the product in areas where you can maintain adequate distance
from persons / objects to avoid injuries and property damage.
Check the product for damage and wear before every use. Only use this product in proper condition.
When stretching the product hold your hands directly extending the forearms, do not overextend the wrists!
Always keep the tubes taut and be careful not to slip!
Always slowly return the product to the starting position, keeping it taut.
Never secure the product to objects, e.g. table, door or the landing.
Never extend the product toward the face, and never wrap it around the head, neck or chest.
Keep the product away from sharp, pointed, hot and / or dangerous objects.
Avoid direct sunlight and heating sources.
Exercise instructions
The following instructions are only a sample of possible exercises. Please refer to the respective literature for information about
other exercises.
Wear comfortable sports or leisure clothing.
Always warm up before beginning the exercises.
Perform the exercises at a consistent speed and breathing evenly. Follow the specified motion sequences and do not overesti-
mate yourself. Breath out when contracting the muscles, breath in when releasing them.
Repeat each exercise 10–20 times.
Circle resistance tube:
Thigh (see Fig. A)
Lie on your side, supporting yourself on your elbows.
Place the upper leg at hip height.
Secure the circle resistance band ankle high.
Slowly raise and lower the upper leg.
Then repeat this exercise with the other leg.
Abs (see Fig. B)
Lie on your back and bring the thighs 90° to your body.
Firmly hold the grips of the product with both hands and place them around your thighs.
Pull your knees toward your body, moving against the resistance of the circle resistance tube.
The head and arms remain in the starting position throughout the exercise.
Biceps (see Fig. C)
Stand with your feet apart at shoulder width.
Hold the circle resistance tube grips one in each hand and place one hand on your hip.
Keep the upper arm against the body.
Now draw the forearm upward against the resistance of the circle adapter, then return to the starting position.
Be sure to keep the back straight throughout the exercise.
Resistance Tube Set
Intended use
This product is designed as a piece of sports equipment and is not intended for commercial use. This product is not suitable for
therapeutic or medical use.
Technical Data
Stretching length
40 cm
50 cm
60 cm
Circle resistance tube /
* Tension
Purple (Z31651A)
22 N
30 N
39 N
Turquoise (Z31651B)
23 N
33 N
43 N
Grey (Z31651C)
38 N
54 N
66 N
Stretching length
60 cm
80 cm
105 cm
Figure 8 resistance
tube / * Tension
Purple (Z31651A)
13 N
28 N
40 N
Turquoise (Z31651B)
19 N
35 N
54 N
Grey (Z31651C)
20 N
42 N
65 N
Stretching length
240 cm
270 cm
300 cm
Long resistance tube /
* Tension
Purple (Z31651A)
14 N
20 N
26 N
Turquoise (Z31651B)
14 N
22 N
27 N
Grey (Z31651C)
15 N
24 N
29 N
* Tolerance of the above tensions: + / - 20 %
Grip to grip
Max. stretching
Circle resistance tube
24 cm
24 cm
24 cm
60 cm
Figure 8 resistance tube
42 cm
42 cm
42 cm
105 cm
Long resistance tube
148 cm
160 cm
172 cm
300 cm
Safety notes
CAUTION! RISK OF INJURY! This product is not a toy and should only be used under adult supervision.
Consult your doctor before using this product, if you have health problems, allergic reactions or an injury. Stop the exercises
immediately if you feel sick or unwell whilst exercising or if any other complaints arise.
Do not extend the product beyond its maximum length (see table under “Technical data“).
A embalagem é feita de materiais não poluentes que podem ser eliminados
nos contentores de reciclagem locais.
As possibilidades de reciclagem dos artigos utilizados poderão ser averiguadas no seu Município ou Câmara Municipal.
Extensão em cruz:
Músculo tríceps (v. fig. D)
Coloca-se em pé. Cruzar um braço atrás das costas, e colocar o outro por cima da cabeça.
Segure respetivamente um punho em cada mão e as articulações da mão de forma reta.
Puxe a extensão em cruz com a mão superior para cima. A outra mão tem a função de estabilizador.
Repita depois o exercício com o outro braço.
Peito (v. fig. E)
Colocar os dois pés na largura da anca.
Coloque a extensão em cruz por baixo da omoplata à volta das costas e mantenha os punhos em frente do peito em tensão.
Move os braços com um movimento controlado para frente.
Músculo bíceps (v. fig. F)
Ligeira posição de passo com o pé direito para o punho da extensão em cruz, o corpo está estendido.
Mantenha o outro punho em altura da anca na mão direita. O cotovelo está colocado no corpo.
Conduza a mão mais ou menos na altura do ombro. Mantenha durante o movimento o cotovelo ligado ao corpo.
Coloque-se de novo lentamente em posição inicial.
Preste atenção para que as costas e a nuca estejam estendidas durante o exercício.
Após algumas repetições, treine também as outras partes do corpo.
Extensão comprida:
Ombros (v. fig. G)
Ligeira posição de passo com o pé direito para o meio da extensão comprida, o corpo está estendido.
Mantenha os punhos em altura da anca.
Puxe com o cotovelo dobrado e os braços em frente do corpo a extensão comprida verticalmente para cima até que os
punhos se encontrem na altura do peito.
Coloque-se de novo lentamente em posição inicial.
Costas (v. fig. H)
Sente-se no chão com as pernas mais ou menos esticadas e com as costas direitas.
Coloque a extensão comprida de forma plana à volta dos dois pés e retese-o com as duas mãos.
Dobre os braços junto ao corpo. Dobrar os cotovelos num ângulo de aprox. 90°.
Puxe os dois cotovelos junto ao corpo ligeiramente para trás, até que as mãos se encontrem ao nível das ancas.
Pernas (v. fig. I)
Deita-se de costas.
Levante as pernas como apresentado na figura I e coloque a extensão comprida de forma plana à volta dos dois pés.
Segure os punhos nas duas mãos e move estes para baixo. Coloque-os ao lado da anca.
Estende agora as suas pernas, como se queria levantar um peso com elas.
Não estende completamente as pernas.
Coloque-se de novo lentamente em posição inicial.
Limpeza e conservação
Nunca utilize agentes de limpeza abrasivos ou corrosivos. O produto ficaria danificado.
Limpe o produto apenas com água tépida e depois seque-o bem com um pano.
Armazene sempre o produto seco e limpo num local com temperaturas moderadas.