Casio ClassPad Manger for ClassPad II Series User Manual

Page 13

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Q To open an existing vcp file using drag and drop

Drop the vcp file into the ClassPad Manager.

Q To open an existing vcp file using the menu command


Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Manager or click the title bar, and then click [File] -

[Open] on the shortcut menu that appears.

• This displays the Open dialog box.


On the dialog box, select the file you want to open and then click [Open].

• This opens the file you selected and makes it the active document.


You can also use the above procedures to open an mcs or fls file created using a previous
ClassPad Manager version. Doing so, however, will convert the file to vcp format automatically.

Q To save the currently open vcp file

Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Manager or click the title bar, and then click [File] - [Save]
on the shortcut menu that appears.


The current active document is saved automatically whenever you quit ClassPad Manager. When
you start up ClassPad Manager the next time, the active document that was open during your last
session opens automatically.

Q To save the currently open vcp file under a different name


Right-click anywhere within the ClassPad Manager or click the title bar, and then click [File] -

[Save As] on the shortcut menu that appears.

• This displays the Save As dialog box.


Type the new name into the “File Name” box.


Click [Save].

• This saves the currently open vcp file under the new name and makes the new file the active
