LinPlug SaxLab User Manual

Page 14

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The ECS (Easy Controller Setup) section makes it simple to control SaxLab 2
from an external MIDI controller (either hardware or software). All you have to
do is switch on the ECS indicator (click it once), select a SaxLab 2 parameter
with the mouse and then send some MIDI messages to the SaxLab 2 from
your MIDI source. That's all there is to it! From now on you can change the
parameter with that controller. In addition to this, more than one controller can
be defined to change a particular parameter. In fact, you can define up to 128
parameter-controller-combinations. This does not depend on the type of
controller you have nor the particular MIDI Control Change messages it
sends. Don't forget to switch off ECS after you have finished using it. To do
this, click the indicator again.

Clicking on the ECS label opens the ECS menu. The menu contains the
following functions: Off, Learn, Clear, Clear All, Save, Rest.Fact. (Restore
Factory Settings). These functions are explained below.

Off: The Off menu item turns off ECS. If ECS is already off then selecting this
menu item has no effect.

Learn: The Learn menu item turns on ECS. Once ECS is on, a target control
can be selected with the mouse. Any MIDI Control Change messages sent to
the instrument will then be routed to the selected control.

Clear: The Clear menu item turns on ECS and prepares the instrument for the
disconnection of previously-assigned MIDI Control Change messages from
their destinations. After selecting the Clear menu item, clicking on a SaxLab 2
control disconnects the previously assigned MIDI controller from the selected
destination. After clearing a SaxLab 2 control, the selected control no longer
receives MIDI Control Change messages.

Clear All: The Clear All menu item disconnects all previously-assigned MIDI
Control Change messages from their destinations. After clearing all SaxLab 2
controls, no control receives MIDI Control Change messages.

Load: The Load menu item enables a previously saved MIDI controller routing
configuration to be restored.

Save: The Save menu item enables the current MIDI controller routing
configuration to be saved.

Rest.Fact: The Rest.Fact (Restore Factory Settings) restores SaxLab 2's
default ECS settings, which is equivalent to Clear All.

SaxLab 2.1.6 User Manual

Page 14