Appendix b: console redirection – Lanner LEC-2026 User Manual
Page 62

Appendix B: Console Redirection
Console redirection lets you maintain a system from a remote location by
re-directing keyboard input and text output through the serial port. This
section will tell you how to use this feature.
Attach the console cable to the LEC-2026 and Remote Client System.
Choose the following settings in the BIOS Setup menu for LEC-2026.
BIOS > Advanced > Remote Access Configuration > Serial Port Mode >
[9600, 8 , n , 1 ](Defult)
Configure Console Redirection on the client system. The following
example is applicable for a Windows platform:
A. Click the start button, point to Programs > Accessories >
Communications and select Hyper Terminal.
B. Enter any name for the new connection and select any icon.
D. From the “Connect to”. Pull-down menu, select a Com port
available on the client system and click OK.
E. Select Baud Rate > 115200 > Flow Control > None.
F. Select Data bit > 8.
G. Select Parity Check > None.
H. Select Stop bit > 1.
I. Power on the LEC-2026, and it should display the BIOS information
on the client system.