Yaskawa PLC-5 User Manual
Page 27

12/22/94- RD 3196-10
NOTE: Refer to the Numeric Inputs and Numeric Ouptuts
sections (pages 13 & 14).
The same hand-held PCDU terminal that is used with the drives can be
plugged into the RS-232 connector labeled J3 on the JARC board for gateway
diagnostics. When plugged into the JARC board, the PCDU displays
information about JARC board switch settings, Yaskawa drive I/O, and Allen
Bradley PLC I/O. This is a useful tool for diagnosing network problems, as the
transmission and reception of data can be confirmed at a point between the
PLC network and the drives network. The values for the PLC and the drives
are displayed separately, which allows the technician to isolate the cause of
any data loss.
When the PCDU is used as a diagnostic tool for the gateway, only three keys
are valid to move through the different areas of information: INC (up arrow),
DEC (down arrow), and ENT (enter). The diagnostic information is a circular
list. This display can be changed by pressing the INC or DEC keys. Pressing
the INC key displays the next line of information and pressing the DEC key
displays the previous line of information. The INC, DEC, or ENT key can also
move into the next block after reaching the end of the current block.
For ease of access, the displays are further organized into blocks of
information. When the PCDU is connected, the initial display begins with
block 0, the gateway set-up information. Within each block there are multiple
lines of information that can be displayed. Pressing the ENT key moves the
display to the top of the current block. If the display is already at the top of the
block when the ENT key is pressed, the display is changed to the next
consecutive block.
The diagnostic information is designed to support a two-rack version of this
gateway even though this gateway version supports the simulation of only one
rack. Diagnostic information regarding the second rack, indicated in the
examples below as “Y”, may be ignored, but are shown because they appear in
actual operation.