System, General – Eneo PLS-5304 User Manual
Page 17

Part 2 - Remote Setup
Change the video encoder's system information, add
users/groups, and/or import/export settings.
- Language: Select the language you wish to use for
remote setup.
- Name: Enter a name for the video encoder. (Up to
31 alphanumeric characters, including spaces)
- Note: Enter a description for the video encoder.
• Setup
- Load Default Setup: Restores all settings other
than Date/Time to their factory defaults. Select
Include Network Setup to load default network
settings as well. For more information on network
setup, refer to the Network on page 19.
- Import Setup: Open a setup file and apply its
settings to the video encoder. Click on the button
and then select a setup file. Select Include Network
Setup to apply the file's network setup settings (exc.
FEN). For more information on network setup, refer
to the Network on page 19.
- Export Setup: Export the current settings as a .dat
file. Click on the button and then enter a file name.
• Load Default Setup and Import Setup options
are available only to users belonging to the
Administrator group.
• When applying the settings of a setup file, do
not select the Include Network Setup option if
the network settings contained in the selected
file is currently being used by a different video
encoder. Doing so can interfere with establishing
a connection with the other video encoder.
• If IP Address, Admin Port, and/or SSL settings
have been changed, Remote Setup will terminate
after applying the current settings.