Airlink AME001 User Manual
Page 36
External Modem User's Manual
0 - 255 rings
Escape Character
S2 holds the decimal value of the ASCII character used as the escape character. The default value
corresponds to an ASCII '+'. A value over 127 disables the escape process, i.e., no escape character
will be recognized.
0 - 255, ASCII decimal.
Line Termination Character
S3 sets the decimal value of the command line and result code terminator character. Pertains to
asynchronous operation only.
0 - 127, ASCII decimal.
Response Formatting Character
S4 sets the decimal value of the character generated by the modem as part of the header, trailer, and
terminator for result codes and information text, along with the S3 parameter. If the value of S4 is
changed in a command line, the result codes issued in response to that command line will use the new
value of S4. The Response Formatting character is output after the Line Termination character if
verbose result codes are used.
0 - 127, ASCII decimal.
ASCII Value of Backspace Character
S5 stores the ASCII value of the backspace character. The backspace is used to edit a command line. If your
computer does not recognize the default as a backspace, change the value.
0 - 127, ASCII decimal.
Wait Time before Blind Dialing
S6 controls how long the modem waits after it goes off-hook before it dials the first digit of the telephone
number. The modem always pauses for at least 3 seconds, even if S6 is set to less than 3 seconds.
3 - 7 seconds.
Wait for Carrier after Dial
S7 controls how long the modem waits for a carrier signal from a remote modem after originating a call or from
the calling modem after going off-hook when answering a call.
S7 also controls how long the modem waits for a one-second continuous dialtone after dialing a number
followed by the W dial modifier. If the modem detects a one-second continuous dialtone within the specified
wait time, it proceeds to dial.