Westermo RM-115S User Manual
Page 22

115S Serial I/O Module
User Manual
Page 22
June 2011
Figure 3-1: Configuration of 115S modules using ELPRO Configuration Utility.
When you select “Add a new Serial Unit” you
will need to select the unit type. Select the
correct module type here.
Finally, you will be prompted to select the module
address. You can choose to allow the configuration
software to select an unused address for you, or you
can select the module address manually.
- Serial Module address must be in the range
96 to 127.
- Every serial module that is connected to the
same radio module needs a separate address.
- You can use the same address on two
different serial modules if they are
connected to different radio modules.
Note – When using modules as Elpro Expansion
I/O each module will be assigned 3 addresses.
Once you have added the new module you can
configure I/O mappings the same way you would
for the older 105 series modules or a radio module.
For more information on configuring ELPRO E-
Series modules using the E-Config software, refer
to the 105-1 or 905-1 user manual.
Figure 3-2: Select the unit type.
Figure 3-3: Select unit address.