Westermo FD-80 User Manual
Page 13

SETUP Port 0 (Serial)
UART Setup
Settings of the internal serial port TCP/IP control interface, internal-
ly connected to the Profibus DP slave control. This is set by default
to 38,400 bit/s, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit, and should not
be changed while the internal serial port of Profibus DP slave con-
trol has the same default setting.
SETUP Port 0 (Serial) > TCP/IP Mode > Box to Box
Permanent TCP connection is opened between a Master and Slave port. It makes no dif-
ference which port is the Master and which the Slave. The Master port functions as a
TCP client and is therefore responsible for opening and closing.
Slave Port
Port of the FD-80 Slave port, in range A to D and -. Only for the
master port, where it should be set to A.
Slave IP-Address
IP-address of the FD-80, to which Slave port is located. This is set
only for Master port.
SETUP Port 0 (Serial) > TCP/IP Mode > IP Bus Mode
Several FD-80s logically linked together over the network in the
form of Master-Slave bus, where the Master sends data by broad-
cast and the Slaves send back data addressed to the Master. Any
additional data traffic or other network protocols have no effect on
the connection.
Master: Subnet IP
Network address of the subnet in which the Master and Slaves are
located. This is set only for the Master.
Slave: Master IP
IP-address of the Master. This is set only for the Slaves.
SAVE Setup
All changes will be saved in non-volatile memory. All settings are
activated only after a SAVE Setup. If closing the Telnet connection
without saving, the FD-80 retains all the settings it had before open-
ing the configuration menu.