Installation, Step 1: track – Extron electronic Low Profile Floor-Mount Raceway System for A/V Connectivity AVTrac User Manual

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AVTrac • Installation


Step 1: Track

By this point you must have decided exactly where the AVTrac will be installed, checked the contents of the kit, and

gathered the tools that you will need.
Extron recommends consulting a carpeting expert before removing the carpet.


Whenever possible, completely remove the carpet

from where the track will be laid. If this is not

possible, the carpet must be cut.

After removing the carpet, make sure that the

concrete base is level and structurally sound. Prior

to installation, leveling and topping may be needed.

Determine whether the installation will be in new

construction, under preexisting carpet tiles or under

preexisting carpet rolls, and follow the appropriate


New Construction

Remove carpet tiles to expose concrete





Side Ramps

Base Track

End Ramps


Cut prelaid carpet roll to expose concrete

When AVTrac is being placed in a new building, the

carpet should not be laid until the track has been


Prelaid Carpet Tiles

For installation of AVTrac under prelaid carpet tiles,

peel back the carpet to expose the concrete where the

track and side ramps will be positioned (as shown in

figure to the right).

Prelaid Carpet Rolls — Peel back Carpet

If AVTrac is being installed in a room that is already

fitted with carpet rolls, the ideal solution is to peel

back the entire carpet roll(s) covering the area where

the track will run.

Prelaid Carpet Rolls — Cut Carpet

When the positioning of preinstalled furniture makes

it impossible to remove existing carpet, the carpet

must be cut (see the illustration at right).


Use tape to mark where the track and ramps

will be positioned and make one straight cut


in the middle of where the base track will run

(see the figure to the right). This cut must be the

same length as the base track.


Make three shorter cuts






corresponding to, but about 4” (10.2 cm) longer

than the edges of the end ramps. These cuts must

be clean as the carpet needs to be seamed after the
AVTrac has been installed.


Pull the carpet back to expose the floor where

the base track, the side ramps and the end ramps

will be secured.


AVTrac is not designed to be installed under vinyl

composite tile (VCT).