Controller inputs and outputs – WattMaster MUA II User Manual
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MUA II Controller
Technical Guide
Input #7 - Fan Proof of Flow Switch
or Reset Humidity Sensor
A Proof of Flow Switch that provides a contact closure whenever the fan
is moving air can be monitored on this input. If this contact opens while
the fan is on, all heating and cooling is suspended. This is an optional
item. If a switch is installed, you must confi gure the MUA II to utilize
the signal. If this option is not confi gured, the unit will default to reset
humidity input. An indoor Humidity Sensor can be installed on this
input instead of the Proof of Flow Switch. This extra Humidity Sensor
is used to provide for reset of the Dewpoint setpoint.
Relay Outputs
Relay #1 - Fan (Enable)
This is a non-confi gurable output.
Relay #2 - #5 Confi gurable Relays
These relays are located on the MUA Controller. Confi guration order
and options are the same as for relays #6 through #21 as outlined in the
information for these relays that follows.
Relay #6 - #21 Confi gurable Relays
These relays are available by using Relay Expansion boards connected
to the MUA II Controller. Relays can be confi gured in any order, but we
recommend that they be confi gured in the following order:
1. Heating (aux. heating) stages
2. Cooling (compressor) stages
3. Gas Reheat Control for De-Humidifi cation
4. External Heat Enable
You can have up to 8 stages of Heating (aux. heating) and 8 stages of
Cooling (compressors) as well as individual relays assigned to options
3 and 4 above.
Analog Output
The MUA II Controller has 1 Analog Output available. The usable output
is located at terminal AOUT1 and is used for controlling an external
heating device. Voltage ranges for this output are user-confi gurable for
either a 0-10 VDC or 2-10 VDC signal.
Controller Inputs and Outputs
The following inputs and outputs are available on the MUA II Controller
and/or the relay expansion boards that can be added to the main control-
ler board expansion port. For component locations of the inputs on the
MUA II Controller, see Figure 4. For wiring of inputs and outputs, see
Figure 5 and 6.
MUA II Controller Analog Inputs
Input #1 - Reset Temperature Sensor
A space temperature sensor can be connected here and used for modu-
lation of the Supply Air Setpoint. At a specifi ed Space Temperature
Setpoint, the Supply Air Setpoint will be reset towards the Maximum
Supply Air Temperature Setpoint.
Input #2 - Supply Air Temperature
The Supply Air Temperature Sensor is connected to this input. This
sensor is used to control heating and cooling staging.
Input #3 - Remote Occupied Contact
This input can be confi gured to monitor a contact closure from another
building automation system which indicates that the equipment should be
operating in the occupied mode. If the remote occupied signal is being
monitored, you must program all the internal schedules to be zero for
both the start and stop times on every day of the week.
Input #4 - Outdoor Air Temperature
The Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor is connected to this input. The
Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor is used to initiate the heating, cooling,
and vent modes of operation. It is also used in combination with the
outdoor air humidity to calculate the Dewpoint Temperature.
Input #5 - Outdoor Air Humidity
This input is used for an Outdoor Air Humidity Sensor that, combined
with the outdoor air temperature, is used to calculate a Dewpoint Tem-
perature for the purpose of dehumidifi cation.
Input #6 - Not Used