Wcc iii installation, Sat iii addressing – WattMaster WCC III part 12 User Manual

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WCC III Technical Guide



Care must be taken to ensure that two SAT III controllers do not
have the same address. When this condition is present, the central
computer does not know where to send the information, and the
information that should be sent to the SAT III controller is usually

You should be aware of the symptoms caused by two satellite
controllers having the same number. Let’s consider a new job in
which the satellite controllers have not yet been programmed and
2 SAT III controllers are named number #3. When you call up
satellite controller #3 to enter data, everything will appear to be
fi ne. You will be able to enter data on the screens as if nothing is
wrong. However, when you leave a screen and then return to the
same screen, all of the data you entered will be missing. Also, if
you fi nish programming the analog inputs for example, and then
go to the analog input summary screen to review your inputs, all
of the data you have entered will be missing.

Another situation that you might encounter is adding a SAT III
controller to an existing system and accidentally giving it the same
number as a SAT III presently “on-line.” Again, when you begin
to program the new SAT III controller, everything will appear fi ne
until you leave a screen or if you go to a summary screen. Only
now, all of the data is usually not missing. Generally, you get parts
of your data back and parts will be missing.

If you suspect you might have two SAT III controllers with the
same address (number 3 for example) the best thing to do is go
to the SAT III controller that you know is number 3, and remove
the 2-wire RS-485 communication loop from it. Then, go back to
the computer and call up satellite controller #3. If the computer
can still “talk” to satellite controller #3, there is another satellite
controller that is addressed #3 connected somewhere on the RS-
485 communication loop.

If a satellite controller was accidentally addressed #3, there will
be a satellite number missing. For example, if satellite controller
#7 was accidentally misaddressed to #3, satellite controller #7 will
not be present. One way of telling which satellite controllers are
“on-line” is to go to the Satellite Summary Screen (see Section
) and see which satellite controllers the computer recognizes as
being “on-line.”

If satellite controller #7 was accidentally miss-addressed #3, there
would not be a satellite controller at address #7, and the computer
will give a “Non-Existing” message for satellite controller #7.

Option 1, 2, and 3 Switches

Option switches 2 and 3 do nothing. But, the SAT III controller
option “1” switch selects the A-to-D converter type that is on the
mother board. With the switch turned OFF, the A-to-D curve is
selected for the Maxim MAX147 part, and with the switch turned
“ON” for the TI-ADS7844 (BB marked) the software will use the
special A-to-D curve for the TI-ADS7844 part. See Section 3 for
proper A-to-D identifi cation.

BATT ON/OFF switch

This switch is used to turn the Battery (Rechargeable Super cap) ON
and OFF to the SRAM located inside of the SAT III processor.

Since version 2.00 of the Satellite software the non-volatile
memory is now also stored in the EEPROM, instead of the SRAM,
and upon power up the memory is read from the EEPROM back
into the SRAM. This switch is not of any importance anymore.

Local Set Switch

When the LOCAL dipswitch is in the ON position, the SAT
III controller will operate according to their predefi ned user
programmed “local set” setpoints. That is, if the SAT III controller
was programmed by the user to correctly operate when and if the
WCC III - MCD is off-line or disconnected.

Local Set Disable Switch

When the LOCAL SET Disable dipswitch is in the ON position,
the SAT III controller will operate according to their predefi ned
user programmed “On” setpoints. That is, if the SAT III controller
were programmed by the user to correctly operate when and if the
WCC III - MCD is off-line or disconnected.

Test Switch

The test mode is active only if the TEST dipswitch is in the ON
position. The word “TEST” can be input as the binary value within
the SAT III. Example of use would be if the user programmed the
word “TEST” into one of the control point values in the SAT III
controller to check the operation of the SAT III controller with an
alternate setpoint or schedule, the user could then place the TEST
switch in the ON position to make this function work with out
physically having to go back to the front-end computer to change a
setpoint via the computer.

SAT III Addressing