WattMaster WCC III part 12 User Manual
Page 19
WCC III Technical Guide
SAT III Controller — Connection
All of the external SAT III connection points are single tab ¼-inch
Sta-Con connectors. With the exception of the “old” connection
method of connecting the Binary Inputs which are 16-pin dip cable
connections and the HSS EXP COMM port which is a 6-pin pre-
made MOLEX type mini-fi t cable connection.
+V Connections.
There are eight +12-VDC connections that power analog type
sensors of which the fi rst seven of these connections are fi xed to
+12VDC only. The eighth +V connector is jumper (JP1) selectable
for either +12VDC, or +24VDC. This (JP1) jumper can be set
to +12VDC, or +24VDC so that the voltage at the eighth +V
connection point is either +12VDC or +24VDC. The +24VDC
is useful when connecting 4-to-20 mA sensors that require a
connection voltage greater than +12VDC. You may connect up to
eight 4-to-20 mA sensors to this eight +V (+24VDC) connection
point. This JP1 jumper is located under the cover of the SAT III
controller, just to the right of the eighth +V connector.
ATI Connections
These eight connections are connection points for ATI #1 to ATI #8
analog inputs. ATI is the acronym for Analog Temperature Input.
These eight connection points are for Analog Inputs. This is where
analog type sensors are connected to the SAT III controller. The
types of sensors inputs that are supported on the SAT III controllers
are: 0-1V, 0-5V, 0-10V, 10K Type 3 Thermistor, 4-20mA (On both
the 0-1V, and 0-5V inputs). There are also eight Analog Input
selection jumpers that are located under the cover of the SAT III
controller near the Analog Inputs that actually set the type input
voltage ranges for each of the eight analog inputs. These Analog
Input selection jumpers are labeled JO1 to JO8. JO1 corresponds
to analog input #1, JO2 corresponds to analog input #2, JO3
corresponds to analog input #3, JO4 corresponds to analog input
#4, JO5 corresponds to analog input #5, JO6 corresponds to analog
input #6, JO7 corresponds to analog input #7, JO8 corresponds
to analog input #8. Each of these Analog Input selection jumpers
has four jumper options: 0-1V, 0-5V, 0-10V, and THERM. See
Figure 12-34 and 12-35 for further wiring details. See Section 3
for further programming instructions.
GND Connections
These GND connections are analog ground common connection
points for all of the analog input (ATI), and analog output (VOUT)
VOUT 1 to VOUT 8 Connections
These eight analog outputs are set up to provide 0 to +15 DC
Volts outputs at up to 15 milli-amps per output. These outputs are
typically used to drive a VFD, 0-10VDC or 2-10VDC actuator or
valve. VOUT is the acronym for Voltage Output. See Section 3 for
additional programming instructions.
H 1 to H 8 Connections
The eight “H” connection points of the SAT III controller were
originally classifi ed and labeled as “HEAT” contacts starting with
the SAT 0, SAT I, and SAT II controllers. They do not need to
be used only for “HEAT” contacts, as these contacts are general
purpose relay outputs. There is a load protection device called a
varistor across each of the eight “H” output connections that limit
the allowable voltage to no more than 32 volts AC\DC maximum
at 1 amp current draw for each contact. Attempting to switch
any voltage greater than 32 Volts, or current draws of more than
1 amp per contact could and will result in damage to the SAT
III controller. These “H” and “C” contact outputs are meant to
control tri-state actuators, contactors, relays, solenoids, and the PI
board AKA “ECC II ANALOG OUTPUT” board that WattMaster
Controls used to manufacture. See Figure 12-18 for further wiring
details. See Section 3 for additional programming instructions.
COM 1 to COM 8 Connections
The COM1 connection point is a common connection point for
H1 and C1 Relays. None of the COM connections are connected
to any of the other seven COM connection points. A jumper cable
is available to connect all of the COM connection points together.
Each corresponding “H” and “C” contact are connected to a single
corresponding “COM” connection point. So “H1” and “C1” are
connected to “COM1”, “H2” and “C2” are connected to “COM2”,
etc. See Figure 12-18 for further wiring details.
SAT III Connection Points