Wcc iii vav box iii sequence of operations – WattMaster WCC III part 5 User Manual

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WCC III Technical Guide



WCC VAV BOX III Sequence of


(WattMaster Software Number SS5010)


On initial power-up of the VAV BOX TUC-2R controller, the
SCAN LED is extinguished for a few seconds and then the VAV
BOX TUC-2R controller “fl ashes” its address switch setting. If
the address switch were set to 7, you would see 7 fl ashes. After
the address is fi nished, the LED will extinguish for another 5
seconds. At the conclusion of this 5 second delay, the LED will
begin a continuous fl ashing while the Damper Feedback limits
are calibrated. If the Damper is driving open, the LED will blink
slowly. If the Damper is driving closed, the LED will blink fast.
When the calibration is completed, the normal diagnostic fl ashes
will commence. These troubleshooting diagnostic LED fl ashes are
listed below in Table 4-1.

No. of Blinks



Normal Operation
No Alarm Conditions Exist


Push Button Override or
Group Override is Active


Bad Airfl ow Sensor


Bad or Missing Space


Damper Failure


Damper Feedback Failure

VAVBOX Confi guration & Setup

There are quite a few confi guration selections available which
can be then used to tailor the WCC III VAV BOX III software
(WM Software # SS5010) operation to match the exact type of
mechanical VAV box equipment that this VAV BOX TUC-2R
controller is installed on. These setpoint and confi guration items
are programmed using a Windows-based personal computer that
has the WCC III computer front-end software installed.

The SCUSCR.exe is the program that is used to view, modify, or
program these selections. There are four main screens that are
used for the viewing, programming, and setup of the WCC III VAV
BOX III software that is installed on the TUC-2R controller.

WCC III VAV BOX III Sequence of Operations


There are several options that are available to confi gure the WCC
VAVBOX III controller for the appropriate equipment that it is
installed on. All of these options can be set from the “four main
screens” that are viewable from the SCUSCR.exe program. You
can toggle through these four screens selections by pressing
+ <►> (right arrow), which means next page or + <◄>
(left arrow), which means previous page.

VAV Box Control Method

Set this confi guration item for the type of box the VAVBOX
controller is used on. The options available are:

0 = Cooling Only Box (with Reheat if required)
1 = Heating/Cooling Changeover Box
2 = Series Fan Powered Box with Reheat
3 = Parallel Fan Powered Box with Reheat

Damper Operating Mode

Set the direction of rotation that the damper moves when driving
towards its full open position. The following options available

0 = Direct Acting (Clockwise to Open Damper)
1 = Reverse Acting (Counterclockwise to Open Damper)

Pressure Independent Boxes - Airfl ow @ 1” W.C.

If this is a pressure independent box, this option allows you to
calibrate the box CFM correctly using the VAV box manufacturer’s
“K” factor. You must enter the correct “K” (CFM) factor for the
inlet diameter of the box you are confi guring.


VAVBOX TUC-2R controllers will

automatically operate as pressure independent if the box
size constant is greater than 0 CFM.

Expansion Relays - Steps of Reheat

If the VAV box has reheat that is supplied by an electric coil, then
this option must be set for the number of electric heating stages on
the VAV box. If the VAV box has hot water heat with a 2 position
hot water valve, set the number of stages to “1”. For hot water heat
with a proportional hot water valve, set to “0”.

Options available are:

0 = No Staging
1 = 1 Stage of Reheat
2 = 2 Stages of Reheat
3 = 3 Stages of Reheat

Table 4-1: LED Blink Codes