WattMaster WCC III part 5 User Manual

Page 40

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WCC III Technical Guide



Single Duct Cooling Only Pressure Independent Status Screen

Space Temperature

This is the current temperature of the zoned area that the
WCC3 VAVBOX II is controlling. It is listed in degrees
Fahrenheit. (Zone temperatures sensors WM Part# OE210,
OE211, OE212, or OE213) A duct sensor in the return
air ducting may also be used for return air control of the
VAVBOX zone (WM Part# OE230, or OE231)

Current Cooling Setpoint

This is the current cooling setpoint that the VAVBOX II
software is controlling to. This setpoint is dependent on
“Occupied” or “Unoccupied” conditions. It is listed in degrees

Cooling Demand

This is the current cooling demand for the VAVBOX controller
in degrees from the current setpoint. This current setpoint
could be the occupied or unoccupied cooling setpoint. It is
listed in degrees Fahrenheit.

Sensor Slide Effect….(Optional)

If the zone temperature sensor that is connected to the
VAVBOX controller is equipped with a slide offset pot,
(WM part# OE212, or OE213) for tenant comfort control
of space temperature then this fi eld value will range from
“0” to “5”, with “0” being disabled, and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5,
being the degrees in Fahrenheit, both plus and minus from
the programmed heating or cooling setpoint depending on
the current mode of operation of the WCC3 VAVBOX II

Duct Temperature

Each WCC3 VAVBOX II controller has an input for a Duct
supply air temperature probe. VAVBOX zones so equipped
with reheat can use cool air, and then “Reheat” it back up to
temperature for desired heating of the zone. These “reheated”
zones are usually located on the outer perimeter of a building’s
heating or cooling needs. This is because interior zones
generally require cooling only type of control.

Current Airfl ow

This is the current airfl ow calculation in CFM (Cubic Feet per

Calculated Airfl ow Setpoint

In pressure independent systems, you may want to have a set
CFM level in the zoned space.

Current Airfl ow Demand from Calculated Setpoint

In pressure independent systems, this calculation is in CFM
and is the current airfl ow calculation demand from the
Calculated Setpoint.

Damper Position

This is percentage of “OPEN” for the actuator and this
corresponds to how much the air valve is open to let
conditioned air into the space. 10% and the air valve is open
very little; 100% and the air valve is fully open. Please note
that there are different manufacturers of air valves, and these
air valves can be of the 60 or 90 Degrees type on the rotation
to fully open. WattMaster VAVBOX II works with both of
these types of air valves.