Watson-Marlow 605Di User Manual
Page 7

This facility gives full pump functionality under RS232 closed loop control via the 4 pincage clamp. Up to 16 pumps can be linked
whilst still retaining individual pump control by using lead PR 0036. A network kit is available from Watson-Marlow which includes
Pumpnet 2, a DOS compatible control program and leads.
Step to Network in the Main menu and press Enter. The pump will now be under RS232 control. The keypad Stop key will act
as an emergency stop and disable RS232 settings if pressed.
Connections for RS232 signals, 1 = GND, 2= RX, 3 = TX, 4 = CTS
RS232 cabling shown for CTR handshake
Use only twin shielded RS232 cables.
RS232 settings
Baud = 9600 ; Stop bits = 2 ; Data bits = 8 ; Parity = None ; Handshake = CTR or None; Auto echo = On
The following codes will operate the 605Di under RS232 control. They must be directed to the pump from a computer serial port (or
equivalent). Always terminate each command with a RETURN (ASCII CHR13).
Load speed setting xxx to pump number n
Increment speed by 1rpm for pump n
Decrement speed by 1rpm for pump n
Start pump number n
Stop pump number n
Change rotation direction for pump n
Set clockwise direction for pump n
Set anti-clockwise direction for pump n
nDOxxxxx,yyy Set dose for pump number n in tachometer pulses (note 3)
Show status for pump number n (note 4)
Show status if pump n STARTed 1 or STOPped 0
Clear tachometer counter
Read tachometer counter
For writing to pump number n display
Clear existing display; followed by:
nCH "
Home" cursor; followed by;
nW{text line 1}~{text line 2}@ ( @ = terminator )