Visara 22L User Manual

Page 13

background image

pause, and restart the audio at
(f) When products deliver voice
output in a public area,
incremental volume control
shall be provided with output
amplification up to a level of at
least 65 dB. Where the
ambient noise level of the
environment is above 45 dB, a
volume gain of at least 20 dB
above the ambient level shall
be user selectable. A function
shall be provided to
automatically reset the volume
to the default level after every

Not Applicable

(g) Color coding shall not be
used as the only means of
conveying information,
indicating an action, prompting
a response, or distinguishing a
visual element.


The 22L text based
presentations provide bold,
underscore, and reverse
prompts in addition to color.
These presentation modifiers
are under control of the host
application creating the text
based display presentation.
Color is used only as an
enhancement, not as the only
way to distinguish keys,
controls, or labels.

(h) When a product permits a
user to adjust color and
contrast settings, a range of
color selections capable of
producing a variety of contrast
levels shall be provided.


The 22L text based
presentations provides the
ability to display a variety of
colors and contrast settings
dependant on the host
application being used to
create the presentation.

(i) Products shall be designed
to avoid causing the screen to
flicker with a frequency greater
than 2 Hz and lower than 55


The 22L text based command
interface does not use flashing
displays. The host applications
that create display
presentations for the purpose
of displaying user data on
attached terminals may
influence the presentation
space to have blinking or