Triplett 310-TEL User Manual

Page 22

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0-.6 through 0-600 Milliamperes:

1. Insert the test leads into the appropriate jacks.
(Red to V•O•M, Black to COM)
2. Set Range Switch to appropriate mA range.
3. Connect the probes in series with the circuit to
be measured (use alligator clips).
4. Set the Polarity Switch to desired polarity.
5. Turn circuit on.
6. Read current on appropriate black AC-DC scale.

The approximate voltage drop (burden voltage) across
the Model 310-TEL is shown in the specifications.
Generally, this drop will not affect the circuit. But, in
low voltage circuits, it may be necessary to compen-
sate for this drop.

DISCONNECT POWER before connecting

the Model 310-TEL into the circuit.