Triplett 310-TEL User Manual

Page 13

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Scale Selection

Readings are taken on the scale having the appropri-
ate significant figures (both 3 and 300 volts are read
on the 0-300 scale) by multiplying or dividing by a
factor of 10 or 100 as indicated by the range/scale
ratio (i.e., on the 3 volt range, divide the scale read-
ings by 100). See Operation Chart on page 26.

Polarity Selection

The Polarity Reversing Switch allows the user to elec-
trically reverse the test lead connections. That is, when
the user mistakenly connects the test leads to a cir-
cuit and obtains a “downscale” reading, the Polarity
Reversing Switch may be operated to obtain an “up-
scale” reading.

The Switch may also be operated in the Ohms ranges
to observe “forward” and “reverse” resistance of a cir-
cuit, or to observe the “capacitive kick” of a circuit.

Changing Settings

The test probes should be disconnected from the volt-
age source (or the source shut off) before the Range
Switch or Polarity Reversing Switch position is
changed. This practice will result in an increased life
and reliability for the tester, as well as establishing a
good safety practice.

Zero Adjustment

The Meter Zero Adjust Screw is located near the cen-
ter of the tester. It should be periodically adjusted so
the meter pointer is on zero with no input into the