Operating your sea eagle – Sea Eagle SE-9 Motormount Boat (SE9) User Manual
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There are a few basic things you should consider before venturing out in your Sea Eagle 9 (SE-9).
Often the best fishing spots are the ones that are the most difficult to reach and won’t have a ramp or roadway leading
down to the water. This makes the SE-9 ideal for both camping and fishing as it’s lightweight, making it easy to carry and
able to be launched from just about anywhere.
Unlike many boats, the SE-9 works great will small electric and gas motors as there is less drag so it motors smooth
across the water. If your SE-9 is equipped with a motor mount, you can use an electric motor (minimum 30” shaft, up to 74
lbs. thrust) or gas motor (15” short shaft, 2HP/35 lbs MAX).
Under no circumstance should you equip the boat with a motor that exceeds any of these capacities.
Not only can this damage your Sea Eagle, it also puts you and others in danger.
Exceeding the boat capacities in any way will void your Sea Eagle Manufacture’s Warranty.
Gas Motors: Measured in units of horsepower (HP) gas motors are generally built with power, range and speed in mind.
The SE-9 can be equipped with a gas engine up to 2HP, weighing no more than 35 lbs. The shaft length of the motor
should be 15” and is generally considered to be a “short shaft”.
Electric Motors: Electric motors are measured in units of thrust and are slower and quieter on the water than gas motors,
making them ideal for fishing. There is no direct correlation of thrust to horsepower although most consider traditional
electric motors to be about a 1HP (which is more of a guess than an approximation).
Electric motors are generally lighter in weight and easier to maintain than gas motors. You can use anything from 30 lbs of
thrust to the maximum of 74 lbs. of thrust and the shaft length can be anywhere from 26” to 42”. In order to operate an
electric motor you will need a 12V deep cycle marine battery, a battery charger and a battery power center to house the
battery is recommended as you should never directly connect the motor to the battery.
Minn Kota & WaterSnake products sold by Sea Eagle come with a warranty direct from the manufacture.
All warranty work is handled directly by the respective manufacturer and all sales of these products are final.
It is strongly advised that you read all printed materials provided by the manufacturer.
You may be surprised at how easy it is to row your Sea Eagle. When rowing your SE-9, use the inflatable seat in the bow
of the boat, this will give you a lower rowing position and the bow of the boat will provide you with back support. Place the
oars through the blue carry handles on the sides of the boat which double as oarlocks. Be sure to check over your shoul-
der frequently to avoid any obstacles or obstructions and be aware of the conditions you are rowing in.
Stay alert to any obstacles and dangers that you might encounter (i.e. buoys, docks, moored boats, motor boats, sail
boats, waves, weather, lightning, rain, etc). Give right of way to both motor boats and sailboats. If you are new to rowing,
we suggest that you practice rowing near the shore before venturing out further into open waters.