RLE TSP User Manual
Installation & operations, Ba/#-(pp, rpp, rpfep) temperature sensor

Installation & Operations
Remote Probe Transmitters and Remote Sensor Transmitters
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] • Web:www.bapihvac.com
Specifications subject to change without notice.
BA/#-(PP, RPP, RPFEP) Temperature Sensor
rev. 04/18/13
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The BA/#-PP is a small temperature conductive plastic sensor used for single point temperature measurement with twin plenum
rated lead wires. It is ideal for mounting applications inside electronic circuit enclosures or existing thermostats.
The BA/#-RPP is a small Stainless Steel (SS) temperature sensor used for single point temperature measurement with PVC
plenum rated cable. It is ideal for bracket mounting for Chamber, Duct, Thermowell or L-bracket applications.
The BA/#-RPFEP is a small Stainless Steel (SS) temperature sensor used for single point temperature measurement with FEP
plenum cable. It is ideal for bracket mounting in harsh environments for Chamber, Duct, Thermowell or L-bracket applications.
The BA/#-RPFEP2 is a small Stainless Steel (SS) temperature sensor used for single point temperature measurement with
submersion FEP plenum cable. It is ideal for bracket mounting in wet or water submersion environments for Chamber, Duct,
Immersion or L-bracket applications.
The BA/#-(PP, RPP, RPFEP, RPFEP2) units are available in multiple types of 4 to 20mA transmitters that can be ordered with
100Ω (385), 1KΩ (385) RTDs or 10KΩ type 2 thermistor sensors. A 0 to 5VDC or 0 to 10VDC transmitter is also available with
the 10KΩ type 2 thermistor sensor. Special high accuracy RTD matched transmitters (M) are available which match the sensor
to the transmitter for improved accuracy. Enclosure mounting styles come in plastic or metal for both NEMA 3R and NEMA 4
applications and are all plenum rated.
Fig 3: Stainless Steel Remote Probe with FEP Plenum Cable
Fig 2: Stainless Steel Remote Probe with Plenum-rated Cable
Fig 1: Remote Sensor with Epoxy Shell
Fig 4: Stainless Steel Remote
Probe in a BAPI-Box
(BB) Enclosure
Per Order
Per Order
Fig 5: Stainless Steel
Remote Probe in a
2 (BB2)
Fig 6: Stainless Steel Remote
Probe in a Weatherproof
(WP) Enclosure
Fig 7: Stainless Steel Remote
Probe in a Weather
Per Order