Research Concepts RC1500 User Manual

Page 20

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Antenna Setup

RC1500B Quick Start Guide


Locate Inclined Orbit Satellite

11. Place the ACU in Manual mode. Position the inclinometer as shown in step 9.
Motor the antenna until the RF pointing angle is equal to the Base_Elevation value
found in step 3. The Patriot 1.2 and 1.8 meter antennas have an offset angle of 22.5
degrees. To achieve an RF Pointing Angle of Base_Elevation the antenna backstructure
must be inclined at an angle of (Base_Elevation – 22.5 degrees) with respect to vertical.
Record the ACU position count below.
Base_Elevation ACU Position Count: ____ (should be around 145)

(Elevation Angle With Hour Angle @ 0 degrees referred to as the “Base_Elevation”

Base_Elevation – 22.5 degrees
44.9 – 22.5
= 22.5 degrees

90 – 22.4
= 67.4 degrees (With respect to Vertical)

Figure 21 – Inclinometer Placement