Setting up the l-350 as a labeler, Figure 3 – Rena L-350 User Manual
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1. Remove top exit roller (media pressure roller) by pulling it out of the plastic
spring-loaded brackets.
2. Place a stack of fan-folded labels on the label tray with labels facing up.
3. Peel off labels from the first nine inches of the label stack.
4. Disengage the label advance rollers by turning LABEL PRESSURE knob [Figure 3A]
to OFF position.
5. Thread labels into the L-350 following the LABEL THREADING DIAGRAM [Figure 5].
6. Loosen label guides [Figure 3B] and adjust position of labels by moving the whole
stack to desired location.
7. Tighten label guides.
8. Pull the end of the label stack until the first label starts to peel off.
9. Make sure the label peels off straight and is parallel with the peeling edge [Figure 3C]
and [Figure 5].
10. Turn LABEL PRESSURE knob [Figure 3A] to ON position.
11. Turn the LABEL ADVANCE knob [Figure 3D] COUNTER-CLOCKWISE until the
leading edge of next label is visible.
12. Reinstall the media pressure roller.
13. Position tab/label switch to L position.
Adjust MEDIA THICKNESS knob [Figure 3E] to desired setting.
Figure 3