ONICON D-100 Dualnet User Manual

Page 26

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D-100 Dual Network Interface Installation Guide 07/14 - 1015

Page 26


Floating Point Register Totalization

Registers 41003 through 41082 (except 41065 - 41069) provide energy, volume and mass

flow data in 32 bit single precision floating point format. The registers are

organized into pairs. Each pair must be concatenated according to IEEE 754.

Register order: Most significant first, least significant second.

Word order: Most significant value first, least significant value second.

Byte order within each word: Most significant byte first.

Bit order within each byte: Most significant bit first.

Registers 41063 and 41064 provide totalization for the optional auxiliary

pulse input option of the D-100. There are no engineering units associated

with these registers.


Resetting Totals

Registers 40064 through 40068 or 41065 through 41069 are integer registers

that provide a mechanism to reset totals. Each reset register is associated with

a group of totalizing registers and will reset all of the engineering units at the

same time. Both integer and floating point registers will be reset at the same

time regardless of which set of reset registers are used.

To reset the totals associated with the register write a value of 1 to the register.

Once the totals are reset, re-write a value of 0 to the register.


The D-100 contains internal registers for totalization. These registers will also be reset by this







The D-100 contains internal registers for totalization. These registers will eventually roll over to

zero if the totals are not reset on a periodic basis. The associated MODBUS registers will also roll

over to zero when this occurs. The engineering units and multipliers programmed in to the D-100

affect the point at which the totals roll over. The factory assigned engineering units and multipli-

ers applied to the D-100 were chosen to eliminate the possibility of an over-range condition in the

MODBUS integer registers before the display registers roll over. Changing the engineering units

or multipliers at the display will affect the rollover point. Contact ONICON for technical service

prior to making any changes.


Over-range & Rollover Conditions for Totals

All low order and middle order integer registers are designed to rollover to

0 when their totals exceed 999. The maximum value that can be totalized in

high order integer registers is 65,534. A value of 65,535 is considered an

over-range condition.