MicroLinks UM02 - user manual User Manual

Page 50

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Microscope Application Program


Copyright © 2008-2012 MicroLinks Technology Corp.

 The resolution is not the same with the Windows size.

Why is the resolution not the same with the Windows size? For example the present resolution

(original video image of output size) is 640*480 the measurement of the Windows's for general is

400*300 sizes. When the original video image size is 640*480 by reducing to 400*300, the

measurements will have caused error. Therefore, the measurement is to adjust the resolution size and

windows size to become the same. To chooses the application toolbar. “Setting”-> video format will

pop up shown in Figure Fig.5-45, to change “output size” value then, this output size expression video

source resolution.

Fig.5-45 Resolution adjustment

Another window adjusts as shown Fig.5-46 below.

Fig.5-46 Window size adjustment

(5) Setting scale