Starsys scope storage cabinet – Metro Starsys Scope Storage User Manual
Page 4

The spool assemblies, post bumper and bottom hoop can be adjusted up or down on 1” increments to accommodate
various scopes.
Top Spool
1. To move the top spool assembly, remove scopes and brackets. Unseat the spool from the black split sleeves.
2. Remove the split sleeves and re-position on the post at the desired location. Make sure the inside beads on the
sleeves lock into the groove on the post.
3. Seat spool on sleeves making sure to align the notches on the rim with the notches on the lower spool.
4. Re-install the scope brackets on the repositioned spool.
Lower Spool
1. Remove scopes and light box/ tube guides.
2. Unseat the spool from the black split sleeves.
3. Remove split sleeves and re-position on the post at the desired location. Make sure the inside bead on each sleeve is
locked into the groove on the post.
4. Seat spool on sleeves making sure to align the notches on the rim with the notches on the top spool.
5. Re-install the guides on the repositioned spool.
Connector Bumper
The Bumper is used to keep the electrical connector from striking the center post.
• Slide the bumper up the post. Move the O-ring stop up or down on the post to the desired location. Drop the
bumper down onto the O-ring stop.
Bottom Hoop
The bottom hoop helps to confine the ends of the insertion tubes.
1. Unseat the hoop off of the black split sleeves. Remove the sleeves and re-position on the post at the desired location.
Make sure the inside bead on each sleeve is locked into the groove on the post.
2. Seat hoop on sleeves.
Drip Pan Removal
• The drip pan is split in two (2) sections. Each section can be removed by tilting it up until it clears the center post.
• Wipe out any fluids in the drip pan.
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* Save this document for future application, load rating and/or safety reference.
InterMetro Industries Corporation
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Starsys Scope Storage Cabinet