Trouble shooting guide, Trouble possible cause corrective action – Dyna-Glo RMC-KFA210T User Manual
Page 17

Heater ignites but MAIN PCB
1. Wrong pump pressure
1. See Pump Pressure Adjustment,
assembly shuts heater off after
page 15.
a short period of time.
2. Dirty Air Output, Air Intake
2. See Air Output, Air intake
(Lamp is flickering)
and Lint Filter
and Lint Filters, page 9.
3. Dirty Fuel Filter
3. See Fuel Filter, page 13.
4. Dirt in Nozzle
4. See Nozzle, page 10.
5. Dirty Photocell Lens
5. Clean Photocell Lens, page 12.
6. Photocell Assembly not
6. Make sure photocell boot is
properly installed. (Not
properly seated in bracket,
seeing the flame)
page 12.
7. Bad electrical connection
7. Check electrical components
between photocell and MAIN
See wiring diagram, page 17.
PCB assembly
8. Defective photocell
8. Replace photocell, page 12.
9. Defective fuel valve.
9. See fuel valve, page 14 .
Heater will not ignite but
1. No fuel in tank
1. Fill tank with kerosene
motor runs for a short period
2. Wrong pump pressure
2. See Pump Pressure Adjustment,
of time. (Lamp is flickering)
page 15.
3. Carbon deposits on spark
3. See Spark Plug, page 11.
plug and/or improper gap
4. Dirty fuel filter
4. See Fuel Filter, page 13.
5. Dirt in nozzle
5. See Nozzle, page 10.
6. Water in fuel tank
6. Flush fuel tank with clean
kerosene, page 9.
7. Bad electrical connection
7. Check electrical connections,
between ignitor and MAIN
See wiring diagram, page 17.
PCB assembly
8. Ignitor wire is not attached to
8. Attach ignitor wire to spark
spark plug
plug. See Spark Plug, page 11.
9. Defective ignitor
9. Replace ignitor.
10. Defective fuel valve.
10. See fuel valve, page 14.
Fan does not turn when heater
1. Thermostat setting is too
1. Turn thermostat control knob
is plugged in and power switch
to a higher setting
was in the “ON” position
2. Bad electrical connection
2. Check electrical connections,
(Lamp is on or flickering)
between motor and MAIN
See Wiring Diagram, page 17.
PCB assembly
1. Temperature limit safety
1. Turn power switch to “OFF”
device is overheated
and allow to cool (about 10 min.).
Then turn power switch to
Heater will not turn-on
“ON” position.
(Lamp is off)
2. No electrical power
2. Check to insure heater cord and
extension cord are plugged in.
Check power supply.
3. Blown fuse
3. Replace safety fuse in PCB board.
4. Bad electrical connection between
4. Check electrical connections.
temperature limit safety device
See Wiring Diagram, page 17.
and PCB board