LSC Lighting EKO User Manual

Page 26

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EKO Dimmer

Operator Manual V2.3

Page 22

LSC Lighting Systems (Aust) Pty. Ltd

control signal and connected to the virtual fader
on the right of the touch screen

• Select a channel (or several channels).

• Set a level on the virtual fader.

• To start the sequencer, press


• To stop the sequencer press [„] (stop).

• To manually step the stopped sequence

to the next channel press [„]

• To play the sequence in the opposite

direction press [W] (reverse).

When finished testing channels press; [Done]
[Done] [Done].
All dimmers return to normal control.

Hint: When testing lamps locally from the
EKO control panel, the test sequencer is
especially useful if the lamps are in a
different location to the EKO dimmer. You
can start the sequencer then go and check
that each lamp is working as the EKO
automatically sequences through the dimmer


Selecting [Menu] [DMX Input] provides menus

• Patching.

• Viewing



• Dimmer reaction to connection and loss

of DMX signal.

• DMX alarm settings.

7.3.1 Patching

The patch allows you to patch (connect) DMX
slots (addresses) from your DMX lighting
controller to EKO dimmer channel numbers.
Each EKO dimmer cabinet numbers its dimmer
channels from channel 1 through to channel 6 or
12 or 24, depending upon the quantity of dimmer
channels in the model of EKO.

Patches are required when;

• A particular DMX slot number from the

lighting controller is to control an EKO
dimmer with a different dimmer channel


• A single DMX slot number is to control

multiple EKO dimmer channel numbers.

To patch EKO dimmers to DMX slots or to
examine the current patches, press;
[Menu] [DMX Input] [Patch].

In this example, “Dim Chans” 1 to 24 are
patched to “DMX Slots” 025 to 048 respectively.

7.3.2 1 to 1 Patch

Patches are often performed in contiguous
blocks of addresses. The 1 to 1 patch provides a
rapid method of patching all of the dimmers in
one EKO frame to sequential DMX slots, starting
from a DMX slot that you can select.

Press [Menu] [DMX Input] [Patch] [1:1 Patch].

Type in the DMX start slot number (0 to 512) for
dimmer channel 1 in this EKO frame then press
[Patch Series].

In this example, the starting DMX slot number is
61. Each EKO dimmer is automatically patched
to the next higher DMX slot number.

To save the patch, press [Save Patch] or, to
cancel the changes that you have made and
return to the previous patch, press [Cancel].

7.3.3 User Patch

The User Patch allows you to individually patch
each EKO dimmer channel to a DMX slot of
your choice.
Press [Menu] [DMX Input] [Patch] [User
