K-Patents FC-11 User Manual
Page 19

3 Functionality
© Copyright K-Patents 2014. All rights reserved.
3.3.4 Instrument hardware and software information
To view instrument information, go to
in the main menu. Serial number for the device,
serial number for the processor card and program version are shown.
3.3.5 Instrument update
1. Download latest instrument program zip from
www.kpatents.net (or connect your supplier for an update). Software for sensor and trans-
mitter are separate files. Save the update files onto your computer.
2. Connect the FC-11 to your computer (see section 2.5.1). Open the disk that is FC-11, then go
to folder SoftwareUpdate.
3. Copy the instrument program zips into the appropriate subfolders (dtr/sensor23/sensor33)
on the FC-11. Now you may disconnect the FC-11 from your computer.
4. Connect the FC-11 to your instrument.
5. In FC-11, go to
, then
. Choose the instrument to be updated and tap
Do not disconnect the FC-11 from the instrument while update is in progress!
6. After the update is finished, restart the instrument that was updated.