Alcatel Pixi 4 4017 D User Manual
Page 18

3.1.2 Calling your voicemail
Your voicemail is provided by your network to avoid missing calls. It works like
an answering machine that you can consult at any time.
To open your voicemail, long press on the
Phone tab.
To set your voicemail number, touch and touch
Settings\Call Settings\SIM
If you receive a voicemail, a voicemail icon
appears on the Status bar.
Open the Notification panel and touch
New Voicemail to hear it.
3.1.3 During a call
To adjust the volume during a call, press the
Volume up/down key.
Touch to activate the speaker during the current call. Touch this
icon again to deactivate the speaker.
Touch to mute the current call. Touch this icon again to unmute
the call.
Touch to display Dial pad.
Touch to hold the current call. Touch this icon again to retrieve
the call.
Touch to add a call or start recording.
To avoid accidental touchscreen operations during a call, the screen
will be locked automatically when you put the phone close to your ear;
it will be unlocked when the phone is taken away from your ear.