Lang puls tig sveising, Brukerfunksjoner, Strømkilden – Kemppi MLS 1600 User Manual
Page 8: Operation functions, Power source, Function panels, Operation functions 3.2.1. power source

8 – MASTER MLS™ 1600, MASTERTIG MLS™ 2000 / 0530
3.2.1. Power source
Always switch the machine on and off from main switch. Do not use the mains plug for
switching! Never watch the arc without a proper face shield designed for arc welding!
Protect yourself and the surroundings for welding arc and hot spatters!
3.2.2. Function panels
Welding settings suitable for the work piece are chosen with different function panels before
welding starts. See 3.1. Welding processes.
The Kemppi Multi Logic System, MLS, allows you to select between different function panels
according to your welding application: MEL and MEX panel for MMA welding, or MTL, MTX,
MTM for TIG welding with basic functions or with pulsed TIG, 4T-LOG or MINILOG control
of welding current or with memory channels.
Master MLS MEX panel with operation instructions is available separately. Indicator lights
1. Power On light
2. Thermal overload light
3. Wrong mains voltage, over or under-voltage