JLCooper MCS5 User Manual
Page 29

Special Messages
There are several Native MIDI messages that can be sent from the host application to the MCS5. These
messages can control button LEDs, the Bank, the display, and various operating modes.
Query Message
85 00 00
When this message is sent to the MCS5, the MCS5 will respond with the following:
Query Response
85 00 05
This message can be used to determine if an MCS5 is connected and functioning properly.
Bank Button Mode
81 00 mm
7F for Bank Button Sends Message
00 for Bank Button Changes Bank
If the Bank Button Mode is set to Bank Button Changes Bank, then sending an LED message to the
Bank Button will change the LED and the bank.
Sending dd of 00h will select Bank 1. Sending dd of 7Fh will select Bank 2.
If the Bank Button Mode is Bank Button Sends Messages then sending an LED message to the Bank
Button will only change the state of the Bank Button’s LED.
Button Labels Mode
82 00 00
When this message is sent to the MCS5, its LCD will display the App Buttons’ labels, below or above
each button. The actual button labels are set with the Label Message.
Custom Text Mode
82 00 01
When this message is sent to the MCS5, its LCD will display arbitrary text. The actual text is set with the
Notification Message. The Notification and Label messages use MIDI system exclusive (SysEx)
because they contain too much data to fit into standard one, two or three byte messages.
MCS5 User Manual