Ivoclar Vivadent IPS PressVEST Speed v.1 User Manual
Page 6

Preheating temperature
– 850°C/1562 °F
– Always place the set investment ring in the burnout furnace at 850 °C / 1562 °F.
Holding time, after the
– 100 g ring – min. 45 minutes.
preheating temperature of – 200 g ring – min. 60 minutes.
850 °C/1562 °F has been
– If several rings (more than 2 rings) are preheated at the same time, the preheating time has to be
achieved again
increased to 15 min./ring
Important notes
– Preparation of the restorations, sprueing, investing, pressing, divesting and cleaning of the pressed
objects are carried out according to the corresponding Instructions for Use.
– Completely remove excess separating liquid before investing, as these materials prevent the
investment material from setting properly.
– Do not use surfactants (debubblizers), as reactions with the investment material may occur.
– Consistent results can only be achieved by following the Instructions for Use.
– The stipulated working time must be observed. The liquid can be stored in the refrigerator at
5–10 °C / 41-50 °F.
– Dilute the investment mixing liquid only with distilled or deionised water.
– Liquid concentration: Increasing the percentage of distilled water that is added to the investment
mixing liquid will lower the amount of setting expansion and compromise the stability of the
investment material. Do not use a liquid concentration that is less then 40 % investment mixing liquid.
– Always use clean and dry instruments with the investment material. Do not use mixing beakers that have
been used with gypsum.
– The minimum time specifications (setting time/preheating time at 850 °C (1562 °F)) must be observed.
– Working time
The working time depends on the material's temperature, the quantity of material to be mixed, the mixing
time and the mixing speed of your mixing device.
– Higher material temperatures shorten the working time.
– Longer mixing times shorten the working time.
– The larger the quantities to be mixed, the shorter the working times.
– Certain factors that influence the setting expansion of the investment material:
– Temperature of the investment material and liquid
– Residual water in the mixing cup
– Atmospheric humidity
– Generally, wax sprues of max. 3 to 8 mm in length should be used for sprueing of the waxed-up objects. To
sprue oblong objects (e.g. delicate MODs), choose a short sprue rather than a long one so that the
pressing time is not unnecessarily prolonged.
– Do not mix more than 400 g investment material at the same time.
– Strictly observe mixing ratios.
– Check the function of the vacuum mixing device on a regular basis.
– Do not place the invested ring in a pressure vessel during the setting phase. This procedure changes
the physical properties of the investment material.
– Do not leave the investment over night or over the weekend (risk of cracks and flash).
– Always remove pressed rings from the press furnace immediately after the end of the program. Place
the ring on a grid and let it cool.
– To achieve sufficient heating of the rings in the preheating furnace, the following instructions have to be
– Always place the set invested ring in the furnace preheated to 850 °C (1562 °F).
– Use max. 50% of the available space in the preheating furnace.
– Always place the rings in the rear part of the firing chamber.
– Quickly place the invested ring in the burnout furnace. Make sure that the furnace temperature does
not drop substantially.
IPS e.max Press / IPS e.max ZirPress / IPS InLine PoM
Alox plunger
do not preheat
do not preheat
IPS Empress 2 / IPS Empress Cosmo
Alox plunger
do not preheat