Ivoclar Vivadent Ivoclean User Manual
Ivoclean, English

Instructions for Use
Mode d’emploi
Istruzioni d’uso
Instrucciones de uso
Instruções de Uso
Oδηγίες Xρήσεως
Kullanım Bilgileri
Instrukcja stosowania
– Extraoral cleaning paste for indirect restorations
– Extraorale Reinigungspaste für indirekte Restaurationen
– Pâte de nettoyage extra-oral pour les restaurations indirectes
– Pasta detergente extra-orale per restauri indiretti
– Pasta de limpieza extraoral para restauraciones indirectas
– Pasta de limpeza extra-oral para restaurações indiretas
– Extraoral rengöringspasta för indirekta restaurationer
– Ekstraoral rensepasta til indirekte restaureringer
– Epäsuorien restauraatioiden ekstraoraalinen puhdistustahna
– Ekstraoral rengjøringspasta for indirekte restaurasjoner
– Extraorale reinigingspasta voor indirecte restauraties
– Εξωστοµατική πάστα καθαρισµού για έµµεσες αποκαταστάσεις
– ‹ndirekt restorasyonlar için ekstraoral temizlik patı
– è‡ÒÚ‡ ‰Îfl ˝ÍÒڇӇθÌÓÈ Ó˜ËÒÚÍË ÌÂÔflÏ˚ı ÂÒÚ‡‚‡ˆËÈ
– Pasta do nieabrazyjnego oczyszczania powierzchni adhezyjnych
uzupełnieƒ protetycznych, poza jamà ustnà
Ivoclean is a universal cleaning paste suitable for non-abrasive cleaning of
the bonding surfaces of prosthetic restorations after intraoral try-in.
Consequently, it helps to achieve reliable adhesive cementation results.
Dispersion of metal oxide particles in water.
Extraoral cleaning of pre-treated ceramic and metal restoration surfaces
which have been contaminated during intraoral try-in.
Ivoclean is contraindicated:
– if the stipulated working technique cannot be applied;
– if cleaning is performed intraorally;
– for the cleaning of restorations which have come in contact with
silicone-based pastes.
After cleaning, the bonding agent must be reapplied to surfaces that were
previously silanized and primed.
Shake bottle before use.
Independent of whether or not the restorations have been conditioned
beforehand, they should be cleaned according to the following cleaning
– After try-in, thoroughly rinse the restoration with water spray and dry
with oil-free air.
– Cover the entire bonding surface of the restoration with a layer of Ivo-
clean using a microbrush or bush.
– Allow 20 seconds for the cleaning action of Ivoclean to take effect, then
thoroughly rinse with water spray and dry with oil-free air.
– Next, prime the bonding surface of the restoration with a suitable bond-
ing agent (e.g. Monobond Plus). Make sure to observe the instructions
for use of the bonding agent and the luting material used.
Additional notes
Contamination of the restoration with saliva or blood must be absolutely
avoided after cleaning with Ivoclean. In case of contamination, the entire
treatment of the restoration must be repeated. After cleaning, the bonding
agent must be reapplied to surfaces that were previously silanized and
– Causes burns.
– In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately.
– Do not breathe fumes/aerosols.
Made in Liechtenstein
Ivoclar Vivadent AG,
FL-9494 Schaan/Liechtenstein
For dental use only.
Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this
device to sale by or on the order of a
licensed dentist.