IHSE USA R434-91 Series SDLink Rackmount Hubs User Manual

Page 32

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CATx KVM Extender Range

7. If you are using one or more flat panel monitors in the remote consoles,

carry out auto-adjustment as described in the monitor’s
documentation. Sometimes manual adjust of clock and/or phase is also
required for optimum results and minimization of jitter.

8. Optionally, fine-tune the LF equalization to remove ‘black video smearing’

- black smears to the right of large objects such as window title bars and
characters (see Figure 14).

LF Equalization Commands

Key Sequence

Increase LF Equalization (Coarse)
Decrease LF Equalization (Coarse)


Increase LF Equalization (Fine)
Decrease LF Equalization (Fine)


9. Optionally, fine-tune the HF equalization to sharpen the video image.

Increase HF Equalization until a white edge to the right of small characters
just starts to appear (see Figure 14).

HF Equalization Commands

Key Sequence

Increase HF Equalization (Coarse)
Decrease HF Equalization (Coarse)


Increase HF Equalization (Fine)
Decrease HF Equalization (Fine)


On certain monitors, you may obtain a sharper image by
overcompensating HF EQ and then decreasing LF EQ to remove any

bright streaks.

LF too low

LF too high

HF too low

HF too high

Figure 14 Problems with smearing and sharpness requiring LF or HF adjustment