Hypertherm SuperMicro 370SBA 533Mhz User Manual

Page 55

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Chapter 5: Running Setup


Date and Time Configuration

Select the Standard option. Select the


icon. The current values

for each category are displayed. Enter new values through the keyboard.

Floppy A

Floppy B

Choose the Floppy Drive A or B icon to specify the floppy drive type. The

settings are

Not Installed,

360 KB 5¼ inch


1.2 MB 5¼ inch


720 KB 3½



1.44 MB 3½ inch


2.88 MB 3½ inch


Note: The Optimal and Fail-

Safe settings for Floppy Drive A are 1.44 MB 3 1/2 inch and for Floppy

Drive B are Not Installed


Advanced Setup

Quick Boot

The Settings are




. Set to


to permit AMIBIOS

to boot quickly when the computer is powered on. This option replaces the

old Above 1 MB Memory Test Advanced Setup option. The settings are:




AMIBIOS tests all system memory. AMIBIOS waits

up to 40 seconds for a READY signal from the IDE

hard disk drive. AMIBIOS waits for .5 seconds after

sending a RESET signal to the IDE drive to allow the

IDE drive time to get ready again. AMIBIOS checks

for a key press and runs AMIBIOS Setup if the

key has been pressed.


AMIBIOS does not test system memory above 1 MB

AMIBIOS does not wait up to 40 seconds for a READY

signal from the IDE hard disk drive. If a READY signal

is not received immediately from the IDE drive, AMIBIOS

does not configure that drive. AMIBIOS does not wait

for .5 seconds after sending a RESET signal to the IDE

drive to allow the IDE drive time to get ready again. In


keyboard will be bypassed.

Note: You cannot run AMIBIOS Setup at system boot, because there is

no delay for the Hit to run Setup message.