Chro - chronograph, Chro data – chronograph data mode – Highgear AltiTech 1 User Manual
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CHRO - Chronograph
Setting Up
The Chronograph requires no setup.
Using the Chronograph
The Chronograph is a powerful stopwatch designed to time many different kinds of
activities. The chronograph can time a single race, made up of multiple laps and store
all the important information about both (even the date you ran!)
1. Select Chronograph Mode by pressing B1 (Display shows CHRO).
2. Display should show zeros. If not, see 6 and 7 below.
3. Press B3 to start timing.
Display shows Lap time at top, Split (Total) time at middle, and lap
number at bottom.
4. To take a lap, press B3 again. Display will pause for 6 seconds to
show lap and split time (chronograph is still running) then change to
show current lap and split time.
5. To end the race, press B2. You can retrieve lap information in
CHRONOGRAPH DATA MODE described below. You must end the run
by pressing B2 to allow data to save!
6. To move to another race and save the data, hold B2 for 2 seconds.
7. To clear this race, hold B4 for 3 seconds (display shows CLEAR HOLD).
• If running, the chronograph continues to time even if you change to another mode on
the AltiTech.
• Chronograph has 1/100 second resolution for the 1st hour, and 1 second resolution
up to 24 hours. Chronograph automatically stops at 24 hours thereafter.
• The AltiTech can store data on 100 laps in 30 runs. AltiTech displays FULL if memory
is exceeded but will continue to time the current race even though no data can be
CHRO DATA – Chronograph Data Mode
Setting Up
No setup is necessary. The AltiTech stores data from any completed run.
Using the Chronograph Data Mode
You can retrieve data for up to 30 runs and 100 laps from the Chronograph Data
Mode. Change to the mode, Display will show CHRO DATA.
1. AltiTech displays the run number and date of run. You can scroll
through the available runs by pressing B2.
2. Select the run you desire by pressing B3.
3. Scroll through the laps by pressing B3 repeatedly. You will see all the
laps followed by the Best lap (BEST) and average lap speed (AVG).
4. To clear an entire run, view any lap in the run (as above) and hold B4
for 2 seconds. Display shows Run number, HOLD CLEAR Release B4
when display changes to CLEAR HOLD ALL.
5. To clear all the runs, follow the instruction in 4 above, but continue to
hold B4 while display changes to CLEAR HOLD ALL. Release when
display changes to DATA ----
• Display Shows DATA ---- As above when no data is in memory.
• You cannot erase run information while the chronometer is running.
If you are having trouble deleting, make sure that the timer is stopped.