Guralp Systems CMG-3T User Manual
Page 34

To unlock the sensor masses, hold down the ENABLE and
UNLOCK buttons simultaneously for one second. The BUSY LED
will light. All three masses are unlocked, each in turn. The
sensor then automatically moves on to centre the masses, during
which time the BUSY LED will flash. When the BUSY LED goes
out, the instrument is ready for use.
You should not attempt to move the instrument without re-
locking the masses.
To lock the sensor masses, hold down the ENABLE and LOCK
buttons simultaneously for one second. When the BUSY LED
goes out, the instrument is ready for transportation.
To re-centre the sensor masses, hold down the ENABLE and
CENTRE buttons simultaneously for one second. When the
BUSY LED stops flashing, the centring process has finished. You
may need to initiate several rounds of centring before the
instrument is ready; when no more centring is required,
pressing the ENABLE and CENTRE buttons has no effect.
For more details on the mass control system, see Section 5.2, page 36.
Issue N