Guralp Systems CMG-3T User Manual
Page 24

calibration will be used to determine the complete sensor response in
one action. Please refer to the digitizer's manual for information on
other calibration methods.
1. In Scream!'s main window, right-click on the digitiser's icon and
select Control.... Open the Calibration pane.
2. Select the calibration channel corresponding to the instrument,
and choose Broadband Noise. Select the component you wish
to calibrate, together with a suitable duration and amplitude,
and click Inject now. A new data stream, ending Cn (n = 0 – 7)
or MB, should appear in Scream!'s main window containing the
returned calibration signal.
3. Open a Waveview window on the calibration signal and the
returned streams by selecting them and double-clicking. The
streams should display the calibration signal combined with the
sensors' own measurements. If you cannot see the calibration
signal, zoom into the Waveview using the scaling icons at the
Issue N