Trouble shooting, Heater – Greenheck TSU Direct Gas Manual (456857) User Manual

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Trouble Shooting

The following is a cause and correction list for common problems with these units. Also included in the unit owners
packet are the Maxitrol Systems owner’s manual plus the Flame Safeguard owner’s manual. The sequence of operation
should be used to help determine where the problems could be when trouble shooting the unit.



Possible Cause

Corrective Action

Blower runs but

Gas is not on

Turn gas on

heater will not operate

Heater is not getting power

Check switch and wiring

Gas piping is not purged of air

Purge line

Inlet clogged

Clear inlet of unit

Filter(s) clogged

Clean or replace filters

Ductwork clogged

Check ductwork for obstructions

Registers in building closed

Open registers

Airflow pickups clogged or

Unclog pickups

tubing crimped

Straighten or replace tubing

Blower rotating in the

Reverse blower rotation

wrong direction

Inlet damper closed

Open damper

or not fully open

Bad airflow sensing switch

Note: Do not replace or adjust airflow switch
without determining burner air pressure
differential, Step 2 in the system startup.

Flame safeguard is not

A. Check heater main voltage

getting power

B. Check high limit switch (requires manual reset)
C. Check High/Low Gas Switch
D. Check inlet air sensor setting (if supplied)
E. Check wiring
F. Check summer/winter switch in gas section

Flame safeguard is getting

A. Reset manual switch on cover of flame

power but will not operate


B. Check airflow and switch
C. Check purge card

Inlet clogged with ice or snow

Check for building or unit exhaust near intake
Moist air can clog filter with snow and frost

Unit not grounded or

The flame safeguard will not operate if unit is

improperly grounded

not grounded

Blower Runs, heater tries

Air in pilot line

Cycle unit to purge air

to light - no visible pilot

Spark rod and flame

Check wires to be sure they are correct

rod wires crossed

Bad connections to spark

Check all wire connections from flame safeguard

generator and to spark plug

Spark plug gap not set

Adjust spark plug gap to .062"

Cracked porcelain

Replace spark plug

Dirty or corroded spark plug

Clean and remove any matter from the spark
plug or porcelain or replace with AC or equivalent