0 introduction – GBS Elektronik MCA 166 User Manual
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1.0 Introduction
The Mini MCA (MMCA, model MCA 166) is a battery powered high performance 4K Multi-
Channel Analyzer/Multi-Channel Scaler module comparable in its performance with
laboratory grade MCAs. High voltage supply for detector and preamplifier power supply
are integrated as well as an internal amplifier and pulse shaping network. The MCA is
optimized in its shape for use with a HP 200 Palmtop, but can also be used with any other
Laptop or standard PC. Together with a small detector it forms a pocket-size gamma
spectroscopy system and timer / counter, which is well suited to the demands of field
measurements for international safeguards, environmental monitoring, nuclear waste
treatment facilities, radioactive transport control and similar applications.
Furthermore, the MCA 166 supports a vast number of different detectors and its 4k
resolution is adequate to support high resolution gamma spectrometry with HPGe
1.1 Mini MCA (MCA 166) Software
The Mini MCA software allows to operate the device as a general purpose multi channel
analyzer (MCA, SPEC) and multi scaler analyzer (MCS). Additional user programs which
support safeguards specific applications as U-235 enrichment verification (U235), spectral
radiation survey meter mode supporting active length determination (LENG, UF6, RATE)
are available. Since the lowest computer platform is the HP 100LX palmtop computer, the
software works under MS-DOS (5.0 or higher) with the GUI (Graphical User Interface)
optimized for the LCD screen of the HP200LX.
For Win 95/98/NT, the programs WINMCA, WINSPEC, WINSCAN, MCAPLOT,
IDENTIFY and SFATWIN are available. More Windows programs are under
development, the actual status can be found on the GBS homepage (http://www.gbs-
elektronik.de/mca/software/index_e.htm). The device can also be operated with the
ORTEC software (MAESTRO, GammaVision, ScintiVision etc.); contact ORTEC for
The firmware of the MCA 166 (the software for the internal processor in the MCA) is
described in Appendix 3 and 4. Instructions how to change firmware can be found in
Appendix 5.
General DOS software concept
• to the extend possible setup menus provide MS Windows pull down menu’s and
navigation "look and feel"
easy navigation is also present at the level of the HP 200LX
screens are easy to read on the HP 200LX palmtop computer LCD
special display to control and supervise the measurements
Basic software functions
• File menu: write/read functions with drive/path- and file picklist functions
• Setup menu: ADC, Amplifier, Presets, Memory splitting, MCA mode, MCS mode, Multi
spectral recording mode, automated instrument configuration using setup files
• Acquire control: Start, Stop, Clear, Presets
• Automated repeated measurement functions
• Display functions: Automated linear and logarithmic, manual linear Y scale, X axis,
expansion and scrolling, Cursor function, ROI setting and processing