GBS Elektronik MCA 166 User Manual
Page 39

• Automatic restart of the program after lost of mains power,
program or operating system crash
• Sending commands to a special hardware module on LPT1 for monitoring the “State of
health” (already integrated) and other states (not integrated yet)
• Writing zip files
• Data file retrieval to a flashcard
• Archiving of data files
• Writing a log file
• This new variant of WinSPEC contains all features of WinSPEC-I, except the firmware
repeat mode 1.
3.6.4 WinSCAN
WinSCAN is used for candu bundle verifications. WinSCAN is in its features somewhere
between MCA and MCS. It can measure up to 500 Spectra and save them in one file.
Evaluation is similar to MCS, just that there is not only an integral spectrum but one
spectrum for every point so it is possible to evaluate courses off arbitrary net or integral
ROI areas.
3.6.5 WinU235 and WinUF6
WinU235 and WinUF6 are the corresponding Windows applications for the DOS
applications U235 and UF6.
3.6.6 Identify
Identify is an intelligent, interactive software tool to evaluate spectra measured with the
MCA 166 or other MCAs. It does peak search and nuclide identification. HPGe, CdZnTe
and NaI detector gamma spectra are supported. For correct peak search a starting point
for the detector resolution and efficiency is assumed based on detector type and size.
♦ includes full master library of gamma lines (derived from table of radioactive isotopes)
♦ editor for creating application specific evaluation libraries
♦ detector function is calculated from detector data sheet, no efficiency calibration
♦ automatic determination of FWHM of the peaks found in a spectrum as function of
♦ supports 1- to 3-point energy calibration
♦ linear, logarithmic, square root, and double log representation possible
♦ error estimations/confidence assessment for identified isotopes and visualization (by
overlay of calculated spectrum for a certain isotope)
♦ switching between English and German languages
♦ interactive nuclide pattern identification
♦ nuclide assignment suggestions also for each single peak
♦ instant graphical comparison to simulated spectra by clicking on a nuclide
♦ Win 3.1 version also available
IDENTIFY is not included in the MCA price
3.6.7 MCAPlot and MCAPrint
MCAPlot and MCAPrint are programs to view and print spectra recorded with the MCA-
166. Up to 32 spectra can be viewed at the same time and be printed on one page. Also