Integrated peripherals, Onchip ide devices – Foxconn G31MG Series User Manual
Page 40
Integrated Peripherals
► OnChip IDE Devices / OnBoard Devices / SuperIO Devices / USB Devices Setting
onChip IDe Devices
► IDE HDD Block Mode
If your IDE hard drive supports block mode, select [Enabled] for automatic detection of the
optimal number of block read/write per sector.
► IDE DMA Transfer Access
[Disabled] : to disable DMA transfers for all IDE drives. They will revert to PIO mode transfers.
[Enabled] : to enable DMA transfers for all IDE drives. The proper DMA mode will be detected
at boot-up. If the drive does not support DMA transfers, then it will use PIO mode instead.
Recommend leaving this BIOS feature at the default [Enabled] setting. You should only disable
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Integrated Peripherals
OnChip IDE Devices
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► SuperIO Devices
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► USB Devices Setting
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Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
OnChip IDE Devices
IDE HDD Block Mode
Item Help
IDE DMA Transfer Access
On-Chip Primary PCI IDE
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IDE Primary Master PIO
If your IDE hard drive
IDE Primary Slave PIO
supports block mode
IDE Primary Master UDMA
select Enabled for
IDE Primary Slave UDMA
automatic detection of
the optimal number of
** On-Chip Serial ATA Setting **
block read/writes per
SATA Controller
[Enhanced Mode]
sector the drive can
SATA Port Speed Settings
SATA3,4 is Secondary
↑↓→←:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5: Previous Values F7: Optimized Defaults