Fluke Biomedical SPOT Light User Manual

Page 27

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SpO2 Functional Tester

Detailed Specifications


With Fluke Biomedical R-curves

95 to 100 % .................................................


(3 counts + specified accuracy of the UUT)

85 to 90 % ...................................................


(5 counts + specified accuracy of the UUT)

80 % ............................................................


(7 counts + specified accuracy of the UUT)

Heart Rate

Rates................................................................... 30, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150. 180, and 240 BPM
Accuracy.............................................................. ±1 % of setting

Transmission (Ratio of detector current to LED current, expressed in parts per million (ppm))

Ratios .................................................................. Large finger (12.00 ppm), medium finger (80.00 ppm), and small finger (300.00 ppm)
Accuracy.............................................................. +50 %/-30 % for compatible monitors, unspecified for others. Selected by finger size and

color: large finger, medium finger, small finger.

Pulse Amplitude

Amplutudes ......................................................... Low (0.2 %), medium (2 %), and high (10 %



Size ................................................................. 2.5 % of transmission
Rate ................................................................. 20 BrPM

Ambient Light Frequency .................................... 50 Hz and 60 Hz

Compatible Manufacturer Products

With manufacturer R-curve ................................. Nellcor, Masimo, Nonin, and Nihon Kohden
With Fluke Biomedical R-curve ........................... Mindray, GE-Ohmeda, Philips/HP, and BCI