Worcester controls – Flowserve AF-17 Electronic Positioner User Manual

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AF-17 Electronic Positioner: Installation, Operation and Maintenance


Flow Control Division

Worcester Controls



Notes and Cautions


Check temperature of motor(s).

Allow the motor(s) to cool so that

Duty cycle is specified at an

Each AC motor has a thermal

the thermal switches can reset.

ambient temperature of 70°F, 60 Hz.

cutout switch built in that opens at

Normally the thermal switches will

about 210°F (winding temperature).

not open unless the motor's rated

If the thermal cutout in one motor

duty cycle is exceeded and/or the

has opened, the other motor by

ambient temperature is very high.

itself may not be strong enough to

Correct the problem.

move the valve (20-2375 sizes).


Check the operating torque of the

If operating torque of valve exceeds

If the actuator is removed from a

valve. If necessary, remove the

the specified torque for the seats

three-piece valve that requires the

actuator from the valve. Measure

used and the DP across the valve,

body bolts to also be removed, the

valve torque with an accurate

determine cause and correct. If

valve body bolts must be retorqued to

torque wrench. Check torque under

torque falls within normal range, it

specification before checking valve

actual operating conditions if possible. is possible that the actuator is

torque. See Valve IOM.



Check ambient temperature.

Actuator duty cycles are specified

Higher ambient derates duty cycle.

at an ambient temperature of 70°F.


Check to see that mechanical

Replace defective mechanical brake.

All 2" CPT valves with positioner

brake is operating correctly.

If one was never installed, order a

boards in actuator must have

kit and install it in actuator.

mechanical brake installed to prevent


Check to see if actuator can move

If motor(s) cannot start, go to

a high torque valve from a stop

next larger size actuator.

under load when moving in the
same direction as last command
(mechanical brake does not allow
motor(s) to unwind).


Check to see which direction of

Replace circuit board.

travel causes problem. If actuator is
coming off open limit switch
(traveling CW) when it slows down
or stops, then either Q1 or U1 is bad.
If actuator is coming off closed limit
switch (traveling CCW), then either
Q2 or U2 is bad. (AC boards only)