Worcester controls – Flowserve AF-17 Electronic Positioner User Manual
Page 14

Figure 7
AF-17 Electronic Positioner: Installation, Operation and Maintenance
3.4.2 Feedback Connections
Actuators shipped with the positioner circuit board installed will have the feedback potentiometer also installed and
connected to the AF-17 terminal block (TB-1) numbers 1, 2 and 3, green wire to 3, white/black wire to 2, and purple wire to
1. (Reference Figure 2.) If not already done, connect the three feedback potentiometer leads as listed above. See Figure 1.
3.4.3 Output Connections
The AC power switching circuits on the circuit board connect to actuator terminals 3 and 4. The circuit board’s CCW power
control circuit connects to terminal 3 via the positioner’s red wire and the CW power control circuit connects to terminal 4
via the positioner’s black wire. (Reference Figures 5 and 6). The actuator’s motor “Common” must connect to the positioner
board’s white wire and AC “neutral” for correct actuator operation.
3.4.4 For 10-30 AF-17 240 VAC Positioner Wiring
For this voltage only, the two limit switches are used to switch off the opto-coupler (U1, U2, U3) outputs at the end of CW
and CCW strokes instead of directly switching off the motor. This protects the triacs (Q1, Q2, Q3) by ensuring that they are
switched off via their gate circuit and do not shut off on full power.
Replace the original gray and blue actuator wires (make a note of which color wire is on which capacitor terminal and then
discard them) with those provided. Connect them to the capacitor as originally wired and to terminals 3 and 4 (gray to no.
3, blue to no. 4) Reference Figure 6.
The two black wires (#20 gauge) from the positioner board connect to the common and normally closed contacts of switch
no. 1 (lower right hand switch), and the two red wires (#20 gauge) from the positioner board connect to the common and
normally closed contacts of switch no. 2 (lower left hand switch). Route the wires so they will not interfere with switch or
feedback potentiometer operation.
The cams, which operate these switches, are adjusted as referenced in paragraphs 3.1.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.7.1.
NOTE: Securely tighten all terminal screws. Keep wiring away from all rotating parts and ensure it will not be pinched
when the actuator cover is installed.
3.4.5 Wiring for AF-17 with 4-20 mA Output
See Figure 7.
A. The white wire (common) from the AF-17 PC board is wired to terminal no. 1 on internal side; the brown wire (hot) from
the AF-17 PC board is wired to terminal no. 2 on internal side. Feedback potentiometer wires from the “B” section of the
dual potentiometer are wired directly to the AF-17 circuit board terminal block TB-2 (green to terminal 1, white/black to
terminal 2, and purple to terminal 3).
Flow Control Division
Worcester Controls