3 output circuits specifications, 4 input circuit characteristics, 5 controls – all models – Flowserve AF-17 Electronic Positioner User Manual
Page 21: Worcester controls

AF-17 Electronic Positioner: Installation, Operation and Maintenance
6.3 Output Circuits Specifications
All Models
Maximum Surge Current ...............................................100 amps for 1 cycle
Maximum Normal Starting or In-Rush Current ............10 amps for 1 second
Maximum Stall Current ..................................................8 amps for 1 minute
Maximum Running Current – Resistive Load......................................5 amps
90% Duty Cycle
Maximum Running Current – Inductive Load......................................3 amps
90% Duty Cycle
Maximum Peak Voltage on Load Circuit ............................................800 VAC
All 120 VAC and 240 VAC
4-20 mA output will drive 20 mA into a 600 ohm maximum load.
6.4 Input Circuit Characteristics
6.4.1 Input Circuit Load Resistances
1 to 5 milliamp Models .......................................................................1000 ohms
4 to 20 milliamp Models .......................................................................220 ohms
10 to 50 milliamp Models .....................................................................100 ohms
0 to 5 VDC Models................................................................................800 ohms
0 to 10 VDC Models............................................................................1100 ohms
6.4.2 Nominal Useable Input Signal Deadband
1000 ohm Input .....................................................................................5.5 ohms
135 ohm Input..................................................................................... .75 ohms
1 to 5 milliamp Input.................................................................20 microamperes
4 to 20 milliamp Input...............................................................80 microamperes
10 to 50 milliamp Input...........................................................200 microamperes
0 to 5 VDC Input................................................................................25 millivolts
0 to 10 VDC Input..............................................................................50 millivolts
NOTE: Above “Useable” deadband figures are “NORMS” determined by multiple tests of various actuator/valve
combinations. All actuators used a permanent split phase motor, with an output shaft speed of 1 RPM (15-second
cycle time). Electronic braking was employed on all tests. Results may differ in applications where different shaft
speeds are used.
6.5 Controls – All Models
Zero – Adjustment for Low End of Control Signal +60% Span
Range – Adjustment for High End of Control Signal -60% Span
AH – Adjustment for Hysteresis (Anti-Hunt) 0.3% to 4.0% of full scale
4 mA – Adjust 4 mA Output
20 mA – Adjust 20 mA Output
Flow Control Division
Worcester Controls